姓名Blue Hamilton 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Blue is a former music publishing executive turned singer/songwriter. The musician worked as an executive at Warner Music Group for about eight years, having worked with writer/producer Fernando Gariby, who has worked with big names like Lady Gaga and even Whitney Houston!

Blue Hamilton – ‘Radio Flyer’ Preview
Click inside to learn more about Blue Hamilton – including his Katy Perry connection – and to listen to more music…

And if you’re a Katy Perry fan, you might want to send Blue a thank you card…

“I signed her through her first publishing deal before she was Katy Perry, before she was big and famous because I saw magic in her,” Blue shared exclusively with JustJared.com. “I thought she was a complete superstar, I loved her and I was a fan of her music.”

Blue released his incredible first solo EP titled “Radio Flyer” independently under his artist name Blue James, and it’s available for you to stream on SoundCloud or purchase on iTunes.

“I love music, and to write a song for Beyonce or to be in a room with Katy Perry,” Blue shared with us while discussing his passion for songwriting. “To actually write a song with Katy? That’s a dream.”

Right now, Blue is focusing on his songwriting as well as creating music videos for his songs off of “Radio Flyer”.

“It’s just a matter of what directors I meet creatively and what song they gravitate towards,” the musician says. “I want it to be a completely organic creative process so I don’t want to necessarily pick a song and say, ‘This is what it is.’ It’s more about who I meet and what we create together
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