姓名I Hate This Place 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


I Hate This Place是来自美国纽约的Sean Nerney的Solo project

I Hate This Place is the weirdest variety of beautiful, but stunning none the less. Harmonizing technology and art, I Hate This Place forges an emotional experience not commonly achieved by members of the electronica genre."
- Erica Scimes, The TUB Magazine

"Each song is a unique mix of lightness and deep emotion, and we quickly come to learn that the airy feel of the album is not that of a light breeze, but of someone feeling himself fading away. “Aero” is new ground for the band, and they’ve done a beautiful job. I believe everyone will find something to take with them from this album."
- Stephen Saxton, reviewing "Aero" on CDBaby.com

"It's perfect...great idea done superbly!"
- Jeff Tassin, Emmy Award winning songwriter and performer reviewing "Alchemy (Shit to Gold)" on Garageband.com
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