姓名Panteros666 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


t’s not a secret that we love the releases that Club Cheval and Bromance Records have brought us. Therefore we were very excited when Bromance Records dropped their Bromance #8 last month. This release featured seven stunning tracks from techno(logy)-obsessed Victor Watel, better known as Panteros666. His first EP ‘Kegstand’ was released by Sound Pellegrino and contained three original tracks and two remixes. The track ‘Horreo’ on this EP (feat, Club Cheval) is currently still one of my favourite tracks,After that the former cyborg drummer released the Javelin EP and a lot of remixes for Teki Latex, Crookers, Birdy Nam Nam, Surkin and others. Knalldrang interviewed this creative mastermind and questioned him about the Dutch, his inspirations and very promising future,
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