姓名Vinterblot 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Vinterblot took shape in Apulia (Italy) in winter 2008. Their music is to be rated as a merger between the European death metal tradition and the typical dark mood featuring black metal and ambient music, whose atmospheres are the solid ground on which themes like the constant relation between the man, his darkest sides and the myth are based.

After a first self-produced EP, "For Asgard" (2010), Vinterblot released their debut Full-Length Album "Nether Collapse" (2012) for Rising Records UK and produced an official Music Video for "Upon a Reign of Ashes". Due to an intense Live activity and several international reviews, Vinterblot have started to spread their name across Italy and over Europe.
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