姓名Sammie 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地美国佛罗里达州博因顿比奇
语言 性别
生日1987-03-01 星座双鱼座
身高 体重


本名:Sammie Lee Bush   花名:Sammie    生日:1987年3月1日    出生地:美国 佛罗里达州 博因顿比奇    祖籍:美国 佛罗里达州 迈阿密    星座:双鱼座    婚姻状况:单身    音乐类型:R&B, pop, soul    职业:歌手、演员 作为迈阿密的新生代R&B小天王,Sammie在他出生前便显现出了其高超的音乐天赋。她的妈妈曾经是一名专业的歌者,在怀着他的时候曾经在教堂里面唱歌。更为碰巧的是,Sammie的第一次成功的演唱也是在教堂里。在他四岁的时候,曾因为演唱Troubles Don‘t Last Always而受到了正式的赞扬。即使是在上学的时候,Sammie的脑海中也不曾与音乐远离。他经常在上课的时候被老师抓到自己在课堂上轻声哼唱,但是老师还是非常肯定他的音乐才华。最终,一个在他们学校附近的一所艺术学校中的一名老师在听说了他的音乐天赋之后把他转入到他们学校的三年级学习。不久以后,他和另外两个初中的男生成立了一个合唱团体,Sammie的音乐老师对于他们的表演颇有好感,就将他们其中一个视频推荐给了Apollo的电视节目Showtime栏目组, 他们因此获得了一个试唱的机会,还有1998年Sammie的个人秀也归功于此! 最终Sammie赢得了比赛桂冠,因而Joyce Irby,一名曾与Monica和ABC合作过的并且与亚特兰大本部制作人兼作曲人Dallas Ausin相识的经纪人,联系到了他跟他母亲!Austin将Sammie带到他的录音室录制样带,大约1年以后,Sammie被召回开始录制首张个人专辑——是在2000年初由Capitol Records唱片公司发行的From the bottom to the top.这应该说是一张充满了惊喜,不乏精彩的专辑。2001年,Sammie客串电影原声曲Hardball.2006年,Sammie发行其第二张个人专辑,从Come With Me开始,歌曲开始转入抒情的R&B节奏,Sammie早年唱诗班的功力得以体现。2008年,与Soulja Boy共同演绎Kiss me thru the phone.2011年,即将推出第三张个人专辑Coming Of Age.

by Heather Phares
Miami's preteen R&B singer Sammie was exposed to music even before he was born. His mother, a former professional singer, sang in the church choir while she was carrying him. Fittingly, Sammie's first singing triumph also occurred at church; at age four, he received a standing ovation for his performance of "Troubles Don't Last Always." Music was never far from Sammie's mind, even at school; teachers would catch him singing under his breath during classes, but encouraged his talent. Eventually, a music teacher from Charles Drew Elementary, a nearby magnet school with a special performing arts program, heard of Sammie's vocal gifts and he transferred there at the start of third grade. Soon after, he formed a vocal group, the Wonder 3, with two junior high boys. Sammie's music teacher was so impressed with their performances that she sent a videotape of them to the television program Showtime at the Apollo, which led to an audition for the group and a 1998 solo performance for Sammie. Ultimately winning the show's finals, Sammie and his mother were contacted by Joyce Irby, an agent connected to Atlanta-based producer/songwriter Dallas Austin, who has worked with Monica and Another Bad Creation. Austin brought Sammie to his studios for some demos and almost a year later, had him return to record his debut album, From the Bottom to the Top, which was released in early 2000 by Capitol Records. Six years later, Austin signed him to his reactivated Rowdy label and released his self-titled album.
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