Jason Reeves1984年7月1日出生于美国爱荷华州爱荷华市。受民谣大师Bob Dylan及James Taylor的影响,从少年时代起他开始自学吉他走上了音乐之路。他一直从事音乐创作,并从大学退学,来到加利福尼亚专职从事音乐工作,追逐自己的音乐理想。作为“唱作人”,他发行了第一张专辑,名为:The Magnificent Adventures of Heartache (and Other Frightening Tales)专辑第一首“Someone Somewhere”,最后一首“The End”。开始时只在网络上发售和现场演出,然而专辑异乎寻常的出色和真实不造作深深的打动了听众,该专辑在iTunes上被评为“2007最佳民谣专辑” ,同时也为Reeves赢得了当年“最佳独立唱作人”之一的称号。现在Reeves已签约华纳兄弟唱片,从而可以首次大范围的宣传发行自己的专辑。Reeves的旅程还刚刚开始,正如他的音乐一样,他会一直保持着纯真 .Jason曾经引起了歌手Colbie Caillat的注意,她是Jason到达加利福尼亚之后遇到的第二个人。在与制作人Mikal Blue录制唱片期间,Reeves遇到了Colbie,友情迅速的建立了起来。Reeves Caillat Blue三人组立刻成为了不可分割的团体,只要可以总在一起写歌录音。Reeves说道:Mikal和Colbie是我在LA认识的唯一的两个人。我们一起渡过了很多时光,一起去沙滩,高山,树林,弹吉它,写歌。受到美丽的加利福尼亚海滩的感染而写的很多歌曲组成了Reeves的第一张EP Hearts Are Magnets,而且也使Caillat取得了突破的专辑Coco。by David JeffriesWhen a teenage Jason Reeves encountered the works of Bob Dylan and James Taylor, it set off a chain of events. First he began working on his own songwriting, combining the classic singer/songwriter style with more modern influences like Radiohead and Sufjan Stevens. He then dropped out of college and moved from his native Iowa, eventually landing in California. The second person he met upon arrival was future pop star Colbie Caillat. The two hit it off immediately and it didn't take long for their friendship to turn into a songwriting partnership, one that would create the foundation for Caillat's hit album Coco. The songs that weren't reserved for Coco ended up on Reeves' EP Hearts Are Magnets, which appeared in 2006 on the Dancing Squirrel label. 2007's citically acclaimed Magnificent Adventures of Heartache helped Reeves ink a deal with Warner Bros. the following year.