姓名David Wingo 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


David started in film-scoring on David Gordon Green's acclaimed debut feature George Washington and has since worked with David Gordon Green on four of his subsequent features, including All the Real Girls, Snow Angels, and the more recent Fox comedy The Sitter.

David has worked with other acclaimed directors such as Jared Hess, Craig Zobel, Todd Rohal, and also scored the documentary Gerrymandering.

David also contributed to the score as a composer of Jeff Nichols' critically acclaimed film, Take Shelter. Take Shelter is about a man being plagued by apocalyptic visions of a coming storm who needs to determine whether to shelter his family from the storm or from himself.

David has also been active with his band Ola Podrida, putting out full-length albums, and touring the US and Europe.
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