姓名Ry Cuming 别名暂无
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生日 星座
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Ry Cuming是著名音乐厂牌Jive唱片公司(索尼音乐娱乐公司旗下)最新签约的2010年力捧新人之一。Ry Cuming曾获得澳洲Dolphin Awards最佳流行歌曲和最佳新人的荣誉提名。Ry Cuming出生在澳洲的一个海边小镇, 冲浪板和父亲收藏的音乐唱片一直伴随着他的成长。Ry Cuming喜爱众多音乐前辈(Marvin Gaye, Stevie Wonder, The Beatles和The Police等等 )的各种类型音乐。Ry Cuming在洛杉矶遇到了欣赏他音乐才华的伯乐, 这位伯乐虽然是位电影制片人,但也认识许多优秀的网络音乐人。除了让Ry Cuming与这些网络音乐艺人学习创作外, 这位伯乐也把Ry Cuming介绍给了一些著名唱片公司的好友。签约Jive唱片公司之后, Ry Cuming正式成为了一名歌手, 目前创作发行了一张EP和一张同名专辑《Ry Cuming》。Born in the small coastal Australian town of Angourie, Ry grew up with a surfboard under one arm and his Dad’s record collection under the other. He quickly developed a love for many different styles of music from Marvin Gaye and Stevie Wonder to The Beatles and The Police. His voracious appetite for music grew while his wide and varied tastes began to mold the sound and style that is uniquely Ry Cuming. Armed with an acoustic guitar and undeniably soulful voice, Ry’s professional music career began to take shape as an 18 year-old traveler and surfer in Costa Rica. One fateful afternoon while playing in the hallway of a hotel for some female pro surfers (Ry is an avid surfer himself), Ry met a young film producer from LA who was taken by his talent and happened to have some very good connections. He became the catalyst for Ry’s journey into the LA music scene, introducing him to a network of musicians that were starting to gain momentum in the area…Maroon 5, Phantom Planet, and Rooney. Ry was now in very good company and was quickly noticed by major label JIVE records, where he recently signed a new, exclusive recording contract. He has just finished his debut album, due out in the spring of 2010, but as a Roxy fan you get a special sneak peak!! Ry has already won two of Australia’s Dolphin Awards for Best Pop Song and Best New Artist, was recently featured on NBC’s EXTRA and MTV’s LAGUNA BEACH: The Real OC, has been seen in the pages of Vogue Magazine, AND been featured in two films including a Quiksilver production about the Mentawai Islands, and alongside Maroon 5 and Jimmy Buffett in the motion picture HOOT.
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