姓名Tommy Shane Steiner 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
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如果你先看到tommy shane steiner的长相再听到他的歌声,一定会为这个看似好莱坞影人的金发男子居然有着纯正的乡村歌喉而惊诧不已.29岁tommy,来自于德克萨斯,和他的曾祖父、祖父、父亲一样,他是一个真正的牛仔.不过,与家中的那些擅长竞技比赛的高手们有所不同,steiner走的是一条属于牛仔的演艺道路.他花了6年时间学习并积累了丰富的舞台经验,在22岁那年正式登台表演,并在2002年推出了充满阳光的励志大碟then came the night.   一位真正有才华的新歌手,必然会受到许多前辈的关注和提携.连续11年主持乡村音乐协会年度颁奖典礼的歌星vince gill出人意料地为steiner的主推曲what if she's an angel配唱了合声."倘若她是天使"是一首对灵魂进行质问的作品.它提醒人们:关注你身边的那些需要帮助的人.此外,资深艺人randy travis的参与也为唱片集增添了更多的亮点.   steiner 的音乐作品,透射出牛仔们质朴的人生观:当你无奈的时候,不妨豁达地去创造生活;当你获得了美满的生活时,不妨去关注需要帮助的 人,珍惜人生中的美好事物.现在,无论身在何处,tommy shane steiner依然如故,心中永存着余辉中那一望无际的德州牧场.

by MacKenzie Wilson
Country singer Tommy Shane Steiner grew up surrounded by overachievers. His grandfather T.C. "Buck" Steiner was a champion rodeo rider and a member of the Cowboy Hall of Fame next to Pancho Villa and Annie Oakley. His parents were also rodeo entertainers: his father, Bobby, was a bull rider while his mother, Joleen, was a barrel-racing frontrunner. Even Tommy's kid brother, Sid, went on to chase the cowboy dream of becoming a steer wrestler, however it was never a part of Tommy's plan. He wanted to be a singer. He was a Rodeo Hall of Fame member as well, but an earnest 22-year-old with a vision. He went on to play the Texas club circuit in the late '90s. He made a name for himself and RCA Records took notice. Tommy Shane Steiner defined his own country-rock for his debut album Then Came the Night, issued in spring 2002. "What If She's an Angel" went Top Ten on the country charts.
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