姓名Matt Nathanson 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地波士顿
语言 性别
生日1973 星座
身高 体重


Matt Nathanson出生于1973年美国的波士顿,是一位出色的摇滚兼流行的歌手。他发行了一些个人专辑,特别是07年的这张全新的专辑依然沿袭了他以前的风格,苦乐参半,有些淡淡的忧伤却显得平和,旋律简单而流畅。专辑中诗一般的歌词都是由Nathanson亲自完成的,毫无矫揉造作之意,写实而且深刻。对情感的剖析很犀利,一针见血。他那独特的嗓音使的整张专辑以及带著诚挚感情的歌曲彷佛都活了过来,人们更加喜欢他的歌声
An impressive 12-string guitar player and songwriter, San Francisco's Matt Nathanson has built up a loyal fan base through extensive touring. His live shows are stripped-down affairs, usually with just Nathanson and cellist Matt Fish on-stage, and are half music, half standup comedy, with the humor balancing out the frequently despondent introspection of the songs. Nathanson has released four independent albums, Please (1993), Ernst (1997), Not Colored Too Perfect (1998), and Still Waiting for Spring (1999), as well as an EP, When Everything Meant Everything (2002). His major-label debut, Beneath These Fireworks, was released by Universal Records in 2003, produced by Ron Aiello, and was followed four years later by Some Mad Hope. Nathanson's songs have also been featured on several television shows, including Dawson's Creek, Smallville, and Road Rules.
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