姓名Ghost Style 别名暂无
国籍中国香港 出生地加拿大的蒙特利尔
语言英语 性别
生日1973-12-28 星座魔羯座
身高 体重


Ghost Style, 非主流的幽灵在主流间唱游。
真名:Brandon Ho
出生地:Montreal,Canada 加拿大的蒙特利尔
Underground Rapper or Overground Rebel? Creative Artist or Conspiracy Theorist? Multi-talented hip-hop producer or Loud mouthed MC? Hard working professional or channel surfing slacker?
The name to know in Hong Kong rap or just another dude from Kowloon with a funny name?
In answer to all these charges, Ghost Style stands Guilty as Charged.
作为如许疑问下负责的答案,Ghost Style好像背负着属于他自己的罪一般。
Ghost Style returned to Hong Kong the day before the ’97 handover, armed with a pen, a mic, and a 20/20 vision of what the future of HK hip-hop could be. Shortly after touching down GS got his initiation into the local music scene fronting for a renowned local band ‘Site Access.’ After putting out two independent albums with the band, Ghost Style spun out on the path of solo music artist, sucking in urban grit, mixing, mastering and crafting it to a fine tune before spitting out serious product. His three albums from this period are heavy hip hop, dark and twisted beats from the heart of Hong Kong (one of these, Alias, was the first English rap album produced in Hong Kong).
在97香港回归后,Ghost Style带着他的笔,他的麦,他对未来香港嘻哈界的“20/20注①”(流行趋势的把握),回到了属于他自己的土地。Ghost Style轻车熟路地组建了一支本地乐队“Site Access”,正式进入了本地(香港)音乐界。作为一名乐者,他似乎慢了一拍,在制作出正式作品前,总是先吸收都市文化的情调,并以自己的方式进行调和、主导以及再加工。他在这个时期做出的三张专辑都漫溢着嘻哈、黑暗及从香港文化中提炼出的心灵扭曲的调子。(其一,Alias这张专辑,则是香港本土制作的第一张英文说唱专辑)
In 2005 Ghost Style hasn’t rested on his laurels for a second; he’s spent the year making dance floor across Asia writhe alongside the crème de la crème of the international DJ set, rapping for Detroit’s Ghetto Tech icon DJ Godfather and rhyming for Lebron James on LBJ’s “Chamber of Fear Asian Tour.” Somewhere along the line, Ghost Style found the time to start up the ‘Rebel Studio’ project label. Oh yeah, did we mention ‘Initial D’? GS provided the head spinning rhymes for the summers box office smash film ‘Initial D’)
直至2005年,Ghost Style也未有一刻满足于现有的成就,花了整整一年的时间在亚洲舞台上掀起属于他的风潮。在国际DJ舞台crème de la crème上努力折腾,和底特律犹太区技术学院的DJ教父一起说唱,在LBJ的“恐怖屋亚洲巡回演唱会”上出现。就在这期间的某个时间点,Ghost Style灵感一现正式建立了属于他自己的音乐工作室‘Rebel Studio’(“叛逆”工作室)喔你说对了,提到“头文字D”,应该无人不晓了吧?Ghost Style就为这部summers box office的优秀大制作电影作了一首主题曲。(即是广为人知的“童话破灭”——Lost Good Things 42forto注)
Never one to rest on his last cut, Ghost Style is riding the cutting edge further with his latest delivery, Message Is Complete. Offering the heaviest Ghost Style tracks to date, ‘M.I.C.’ is a powerful aural mix of club, commercial, and street style beats, all of it straight from the heart of Hong Kong. Ghost Style stretches his lyrical reach even further with ‘M.I.C.’, waxing lyrical on topics ranging from the chemistry lathered streets of Hong Kong to the territory’s politics, bad boys, party girls, and just about anything else worth keeping real in HK. Ghost Style calls these slices of HK life aural movies his ‘exaggerated fiction’, and his vocal range – from crispy kid to low-key baritone – brings his stories to life. With his instantly recognizable voice, potent lyrics and shards of brilliance, Ghost Style remains the name to remember in Hip Hop on this side of the Pacific Rim.
随后,Ghost Style又马不停蹄的开始进一步打造他的新专辑《Message Is Complete》(‘M.I.C.’同时也是麦克风的意思 42forto注)。从香港中心发散出的这场‘M.I.C.’音乐盛宴,弥漫着商业元素与街头风格,正带着浓浓的Ghost Style味道。Ghost Style发挥他的作词天赋,用流畅如水一般的歌词描述着各种主题,在香港街头掀起如泡沫般化学效应。政治话题,小混混,夜店流莺,各种香港地下的真实场面被描述得淋漓尽致。Ghost Style把这些香港社会的剪影称作是他“夸张的虚构”,他的音域可以从清脆的小屁孩腔转到低沉磁性的男中音,唱着这些如他自己生活一般的点滴故事。他的声音那么特殊,以至于过耳难忘,尖刻的歌词打破天真的幻想,Ghost Style这个名字,在嘻哈界早已传到大洋彼岸。
A quiet, reserved guy in person, however, put a mic in his hand or get him on a track and he's all business. A hungry mc ready to put all his effort and focus on bringing something to the song.
翻译by 42forto
Ghost Style is a rapper/producer based in Hong Kong. He is credited for releasing the first English language rap album in Hong Kong (Ghost Style's Alias, 2002). He followed up with two other English rap albums (Supathugz' How Deep Is Yo Love in 2004 and Ghost Style's Message Is Complete, 2005). Ghost Style real name is "Brandon Ho" and was born in Montreal, Canada on December 28, 1973.
Ghost Style是香港本土的一位说唱歌手兼制作人。最为人知的即是他于2002年发行的香港第一张英文说唱专辑《Ghost Style's Alias》。紧接着又出了另外两张英文说唱专辑(2004年的《Supathugz' How Deep Is Yo Love》和2005年的《Ghost Style's Message Is Complete》)。Ghost Style真名叫作Brandon Ho,1973年12月28日出生于Montreal,Canada 加拿大的蒙特利尔。
Ghost Style started his career as the frontman for a Hong Kong local band called "Site Access." They are known for bringing out an original sound Alternative Groove Funk. The band decided to take a break in 2003 and that's when Ghost Style started his solo career.
Ghost Style组建了一支(香港)本地乐队“Site Access”来开创他的音乐事业。他们最为人所知的便是自创的“Alternative Groove Funk注②” 音乐风格。2003年乐队决定修整一段时间,于是Ghost Style也开始他自己的独立事业。
His first major work as rapper/producer was for Cantopop star Eason Chan. In 2001, Ghost Style was invited to remix one of Chan's songs for a remix project Mixed Up. At the same time Ghost Style met international dance music producer Dan F (Disuye). At that time Dan F was creating breakbeat tracks and both collaborated on the remix. Dan F who won two Breakbeat Awards in the UK, would be Ghost Style's collaborator on 2002 release Alias and Ghost Style's 2005 release Message Is Complete. Ghost Style was the voice talent in the 2005 movie soundtrack release Initial D.
他接手的第一份大case就是担任陈奕迅的说唱和音及制作人。2001年,Ghost Style被邀请作陈奕迅的混音及后期制作。正是此时,Ghost Style遇到了国际舞曲制作人Dan F,那时Dan F也在负责制作这套混音的节拍与音轨——Dan F曾在英国拿过两个专业的节拍制作奖。Ghost Style分别在2002年《Alias》和2005年发行的《Message Is Complete》两张专辑中,Dan F也与他一起合作。2005年的电影《头文字D》中,Ghost Style充分展现出了他天生的音乐才华。
Currently, Ghost Style has formed a project label called Rebel Studio. The producer is giving back by supporting local talents and other urban events in Hong Kong.
现在,Ghost Style已创立了自己的“Rebel Studio”音乐工作室。这位制作人现在正着力于发掘并支持香港本地的音乐人才。
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