有一半英国血统和一半意大利血统的Jack Savoretti从小就跟着父母在欧洲四处迁徙,直到在瑞士的一家美国子弟学校落脚,在那,小Jack染上了一口美国口音,为这还被人取笑为“Transatlantic Mutt”。 于是,Jack Savoretti便喜欢上了写诗,这几乎成了他每天必做的事,如果就这么写下去,也许这世界上就多了一个美国口音的欧洲诗人。不过在他16岁的时候,他妈妈给了他一把吉他,在Jack妈的建议下,Jack Savoretti开始把自己写的诗放到音乐里去,从此欲罢不能,一个诗人意外的成了唱作人。 在一次理发时,他幸运的遇到了给Natalie Imbruglia的前任经理人Anne Barrett理过发的发型师,于是这位发型师就很帮忙地拿了一些Jack Savoretti的作品给Anne Barrett。接着,Jack Savoretti就背着吉他来到了Anne Barrett开的唱片公司De Angelis,并立刻成为旗下签约歌手,2006年10月推出了他的首张单曲“Without”。 基本上这事听起来,就好像给你理发的发型师,恰好也为王菲的经纪人理过发,然后她又正好愿意在给你做完头之余,很八卦的帮你递张DEMO给陈家瑛一样。如果这事是真的,那就再次证明了一件事,机会永远只属于——选对发廊的男人。 首张单曲发布之后,今年2月Jack Savoretti又推出了第二张EP《Dreamers》,接下来就有了这张处男专辑《Between the Minds》。 这张专辑上市的当周就被BBC Radio 2推荐为本周专辑,随后Corinne Bailey Rae也注意到了这位混血帅锅,盛情邀请他担任自己欧洲巡回演出的嘉宾。如果不是因为出自小唱片公司,Jack Savoretti理应受到更多的关注,看着他一头的长发和忧郁的外型,听着他带点沙哑的歌声,你也许会想,这会不会是下一个Damien Rice,或是Nick Drake呢? Jack Savoretti的声音很干净也很朴实,有些沙哑却很有穿透力;有些伤感有些孤僻,不过调子却很明亮;所有的曲子都是能在前30秒让你决定听下去的,只有“Soldier's Eyes”例外,前10秒的小提琴就能让你喜欢上它;歌词都象诗歌一样,也许他们本来就是诗歌,只不过配上了吉他,比如这首“Once Upon a Street”: While touching her face Looking for a love He began to kiss her eyes But at the taste of a tear drop He heard the lady say goodbye 你抚摸着她的脸,寻找着一点爱,你吻上她的双眼,她却流着泪对你说再见。多有画面感,虽然文青了一点。 这张专辑有时会让你觉得,像是23岁的男孩写的,却是33岁的男人在唱着,听着12段美妙的旋律,茫然不知从哪里开始,又会在哪里结束。 Of Italian and English extraction, former poet turned acoustic singer and songwriter Jack Savoretti got his start in the business by word of mouth, literally. His hairdresser just happened to be friends with the very music executive who had signed and promoted Natalie Imbruglia. A conversation between that rep — Anne Barrett — and said stylist led to an in-office audition for Savoretti, who blew Barrett away, and she signed him on the spot. His first single, "Without," was released in late 2006. A minor hit on Radio 2, it was enough to attract the attention of Corinne Bailey Rae, who asked Savoretti to join her on her European tour that year. Savoretti's first full-length offering, Between the Minds, was released in 2007, and would be a Top 100 charter in the U.K. that year. His first headlining tour — of cafes — kicked off in early 2008 and was followed by the re-release of his debut album, this time featuring a bonus disc of acoustic versions.