姓名James Arthur 别名暂无
国籍英国 出生地米德尔斯布勒
语言英语 性别
生日1988-03-02 星座双鱼座
身高 体重


英国#X-Factor#第九季海选现场!!24岁#James Arthur#改编#Tulisa#热单《Young》!父母已经分离长达二十几年,从小被寄养,James用音乐寄托,将情感融入音乐里,完全区别于原曲,一下子从一首口水舞曲变成一首励志、伤感、有内涵、有态度的好歌!唱到最后,James恨不得将二十多年的委屈全唱出来,眼泪彻底止不住了!Arthur was born in Middlesbrough, to parents from the United Kingdom ― an English mother, Shirley Ashworth, and a Scottish father, Neil Arthur. Neil is a delivery driver, but also used to be a DJ and drummer for many years, whilst Shirley was a fashion model and later a sales and marketing professional. Neil and Shirley split up when James was one year old and each settled with new partners a few years after their divorce. They hardly spoke with one another for more than 20 years, but they agreed to attend James's audition together in a family reunion to support him
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