姓名how to count one to ten 别名暂无
国籍日本 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Yuta Okuhara (Guitar,Keyboard)
Yosuke Minamizuka (Drums)
Taichi Yaguchi (Guitar)
Mayuko Wada (Bass)
Shunsuke Hayashi (Guitar)
"Formed by a drummer, bassist, and 3 guitarists, “how to count one to ten” is an instrumental post-rock band from Tokyo, Japan. The sound is clean, using no effects, and creates a sort of bricolage by utilizing the natural beauty of sound. Their songs are composed by splitting notes between the five of them with pin-point accuracy. When combined, they create a surprisingly colorful, fresh pop sound. Performing their notes with unwavering faith creates inventive scales that leave listeners open to a universe of interpretations. By noticing the wide variety of sounds created by bridge muting, they found that when their 3 guitarists hit the same chords, this created a slight phase shift. Skillfully intertwining this with the drummer's poppy ghost notes, and glued together with streaming bass lines, their music creates a virtual cocktail party of sound that tugs at the heart strings of their listeners."


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