姓名JD Davis 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


David Henrard, also known by the stagename JD Davis and "Dave Davis" is a Belgian musician and started his career in music at the age of 17 when he moved to Antwerp to work at Bonzai Records.[1] His early releases " Transfiguration " around 1996 were under the name Dave Davis and were signed to Bonzai Records. Other early alias's include: Les Sabotages, Phrenetic System and Davis & Santini. He has since performed at clubs and festivals worldwide such as Mayday, Love Parade, Street Parade & Energy (Zurich), Gay Pride (Paris), Francofolies De Spa (Belgium) including a residency at Cherry Moon (Belgium)
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