姓名The Kitchen 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Formed Korea
Activity Type Female | Group
Activities genres Pop
Pop rock style (Pop Rock)
Debut 2011
Members Lee In-yeong, Lee Hee-Jin, unusually, yugyeongok
The Kitchen (The Kitchen) is Lee In-yeong, Lee Hee-Jin, unusually, harmful phosphorus, is thus a project group consisting of four (4) female singer-songwriter. Whilst male singer-songwriter four project groups consisting of artificial they've been occasionally appeared, in the case of only a female composer is fresh, then it is extremely unusual to. Look to sleep every aspect, members of each building their own distinctive musical world a long time and can be built up by pitting skills para.
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