姓名Sam Miller 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Hi there, my name is Samuel miller and I am a singer songwriter. I started playing and writing music at the age fourteen, I know it sounds a little heavy since we have only just met but I started writing due to the downfalls in my life! Writing for me was how I showed emotion and as I developed, my writing developed to. When I was young my mum used to take me to a gospel church, and as I already loved to sing I joined a gospel group from arizona. I taught myself guitar at the age of thirteen and started playing in clubs and bars, I now have been playing for six years.

My music has deep meaning and lyrics that will relate to so many of you, and now this year I will aim to get it out there. I will be playing all over london and surrounding areas, I also play a fair few local gigs in bed-ford so if you live near by, Check me out!!!
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