Cattle Decapitation相似歌手

姓名Cattle Decapitation 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Over the course of its existence, the San Diego-based Cattle Decapitation has transformed from a stripped-down gore-grind side project of the arty hardcore/grindcore band the Locust to a full-fledged death metal band of their own, undergoing a confusing maze of lineup changes in the process. Their association with the Locust formed much of the original basis for their popularity in hardcore circles, which was unusual for a band that growled out the type of disturbing, gore-oriented lyrics usually reserved for Carcass/Cannibal Corpse audiences. However, as the years went by and their connections to the Locust finally severed personnel-wise, it became clear that they were indeed a real band of their own, not a side project; they eventually signed to established metal powerhouse label Metal Blade Records and, musically, took on more of a professional death metal sound while retaining their original pro-vegetarian/gore-oriented lyrical stance.

Cattle Decapitation originally formed in San Diego in 1996. Originally, the lineup featured David Astor on bass and Gabe Serbian on drums -- both of whom were then also members of the Locust -- as well as an unknown guitarist/vocalist, who allegedly vanished without the other members knowing anything of his whereabouts. Seeking a replacement on vocals, the band turned to Travis Ryan, who had actually been playing drums for another San Diego metal band, Strangulation, in addition to serving as vocalist in a gore metal band called Anal Flatulence. With Ryan on board, Astor moved from bass to drums, and Serbian moved from drums to guitar. This lineup quickly released two albums, the Human Jerky LP (on the Nevada label Satan's Pimp) and the Homovore CD/LP.