姓名Turn off your television 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Turn off your television is a three man band from Sweden with influences in the 60s, 70s and the 90s. People often describe our music as soft melodic folk rock with simple and memorable hooks. Imagine easy-going tunes with strong vocal harmonies and guitar-driven acoustic americana, that is seamlessly embellished with the whiffs of harmonica and slight psychedelia now and then. Then blend it with some swedish depression and you have songs that spill across your ears like a gentle stream, much like the soothing tones of nature it self. Some people might call it gentle Seattle rock, while others rather refer to the music as cool slow-wave or even altcountry.

There have always been something bittersweet about Turn off your television’s music. Much thanks to the Swedish weather and the over all sometimes lonely moderate way of living. To put it simple: It's a strange and ambivalent flavor of love and displeasure that is the foundation of the band - A kind of happy feeling, but still in a way, sad. The self titled debut album is full of intimate, memorable songs, subtly arranged, always with an unforgettable melody. It’s delicious rockmusic that grabs hold of your guts – never willing to let go. The record is slowly crafted, where every song transmits a special care. The kind of album that every day grabs you with a different tune. It's an addictive indie-trio that invites you to stop, listen and relax into it's melodic warmth.

Turn off your television break from the swedish herd by infusing their music with a rustic feel usually reserved for folk. The result is the best of two worlds: Catchy and emotional songs, yet airy and earthy, but still always captivating. This unique balance is what makes their self-titled debut such an intimate and affecting affair. The album is unrelentingly beautiful, with each track hanging heartfelt sentiment on effortlessly catchy melodies that burn with quiet intensity. Their eponymous debut is a compilation of varying styles of ambient rock infused folk ballads that take you on emotional highs and lows, but never reach extremes.
Last but not least Turn off your television have always been fascinated by old things. May it be guitars, microphones or old recordings. Many times their best songs have emerged playing old acoustic guitars from the 50s and 60s. They may not sound "good" in a traditional way, but instead musical and honest, just the way they like it.

In the end Turn off your television is a brilliant tasteful example of how to smoothly incorporate tiny little pieces of music history in their own sound and turn it into something new and exciting. It's music like a warm embrace when the autumn storms arrive.

Special thanks to: Owl & Bear, Musefy, Kentuckyseven, Oslo Indie Office, Blood buzzed, Beat Surrender, Heros of indie music and Skope Magazine for making this bio possible.