姓名Buckley Ward 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Like their name, it’s deceptively difficult to trace the inscrutable sound of Buckley Ward back to its source. Deviance and derivation, vivacity and everyday tragedy; its all there. For a year and a half, Jimmy Allen and his bande à part have been plotting their vision – an aural semblance of life and listlessness in the city.

Instrumentally and stylistically versatile, Buckley Ward is a musical chameleon. They sweep you up in the reckless joy of blood-pumping indie pop, stop you in your tracks with eloquent lyrics that catch in your throat, and give your senses a good hard slap with jungle beats you can feel in your nethers, without a whiff of the stovepipe’d pretender.

A hunter gatherer, opportunistic and always evolving writing and recording process has invested their music with an artless head and heart duplicity, and just a little bit of mandolin. Buckley Ward is a band absorbing their musical landscape, giving it a talking to, and spitting out a sound that makes you feel at home, in a place you’ve never been before.