姓名Fatima 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Sat at a table outside on an overcast spring day in London, the Swedish-born Fatima is flanked by heavy baggage. There’s a leather handbag, in a grid of red, green and brown, plus a paper one with a change of clothes and some black and yellow Jordan Airs for the photo shoot to follow, just in case. “I’ve got them because… well, because,” she shrugs with a chuckle. She’s already arrived in an impeccably coordinated outfit, colour blocking across primary shades, a matching frilled scrunchy to top it off.

“Halfway scuffed sucks,” she scoffs in reference to the spotless white sneakers she’s also wearing, to go with her white tights and white top, bound by a silver chain and a pendant featuring a Frida Kahlo self-portrait. “I saw this when I was in a shop in Brooklyn, but on the other side it’s this,” she says, turning the pendant around to reveal a miniature reproduction of Kahlo’s harrowing “Wounded Deer” painting – the Mexican artist’s head on the body of the beast, fatally wounded and in flight. “That’s the beautiful side and this is the… there’s good and bad.”