姓名Nikki Phillippi 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


I like being a girl and making videos about girly things! hahaha
James 1:27

Well... I'm hoping todays post will be helpful... or at least not completely non-sensical! HAHAH

I wanted to talk briefly about making assumptions. It's funny- because I am very quick to make assumptions. I always think I know everyones intentions and situations.... its a problem I have!=/ But then- every once in a while ( I think to teach me a lesson. LOL) God will put a situation in my OWN life that on the outside looks COMPLETELY different than what is actually going on! HAHA And its usually such a strange situation that people wouldn't believe me if I told them anyways! LOL

These situations are always sooo good for me (even though they are a tad uncomfortable.lol) because it reminds me that not only do I not know everything that is always going on ( duh nicole. hahah) but it also shows me what it like to be judged based on something that isn't as it seems. It really lets me know what that feels like- and helps me remember that for the next time I want to assume or judge someones situation.

So, do any of you have this problem as well? Or have you struggled with it and pushed passed it? OR- do you just not assume anymore because you learned that it makes an ASS- out of U & ME. HAHAHAHHA