姓名Anna Nalick 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Anna Nalick不错,不过美国真的不缺她这样的类型。但是,就像他们钟爱鸡腿汉堡一样,她会流行开来。20岁的女生,虽然吃汉堡长大让她显得过于成熟,但这确实是一个年轻的新人在发表第一张专辑。个人具备的创作和演唱才华,让她获得不少的称赞,虽然不是一边倒的惊叹。在某些转音和细微的鼻音处,她会贴近Alanis Morisette,什么都好,只是差了Alanis Morisette当年首发专辑的那点药力,那点冲劲,那点猛烈。但是这个加州女歌手的专辑,还是很值得去听一下,有着动听的旋律,一点都不稚嫩的声线,与那些音乐界动不动就深刻得让人头疼的思想家相比,我选择这个———这种不求上进的态度,有点像加菲。
兼收并蓄用多了,容易招致一些争议。Anna Nalick的音乐对于偏好摇滚的耳朵,显得柔和了一些;而对于流行的口味,又似乎吞咽起来让他们的腮帮子有点吃力。如果你之前对Michelle Branch、Liz Phair还都相当喜爱的话,她应该是你要的。她声音的温度明显比Sarah McLachlan高,而某些慢歌有相当的纯度却不像Norah Jones那么让人纳闷。
Her love of the Cranberries, John Mayer, and Fiona Apple is easy to hear when one listens to the poignant music of singer/songwriter Anna Nalick, but it's her beloved Blind Melon that had the most impact on her career. The California native had been recording demos on a cheap cassette recorder when one of her tapes ended up in the hands of former Blind Melon members Christopher Thorn and Brad Smith. The two were now a production team and with Eric Rosse -- a producer who had worked with another Nalick fave, Tori Amos -- they re-recorded her home demos in a professional studio. Two weeks later, Columbia Records contacted Nalick with an offer and soon college was put on hold. With an all-star cast of studio musicians, the 20-year-old recorded her debut, Wreck of the Day, released in April of 2005. An expanded version of the album was released in 2006, with the Shine EP following in 2008.