姓名Switch 别名暂无
国籍以色列 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


网上的资料说他们的音乐像The Rakes,Franz Ferdinand。倒不如说是带有Muse风格的Kaiser Chiefs式乐队。他们与Kaiser Chiefs太像了,当然音乐上面还是各有各的特点,但绝对是那种感觉十分相似的乐队。Switches 的首张专辑《Heart Tuned to D.E.a.D.》的制作人是Rob Schnapf (Beck,The Vines, Elliott Smith)。都是那不折不扣的年轻荷尔蒙过多式的独立摇滚,加上自己独有的风格。Switches的音乐受到Blur,Graham Coxon,Hard-Fi,the Rakes。所以专辑有时会是那种九十年代特有的Britpop,有时又会是新时代的后朋曲风,在不就是Muse式的Neo-Prog。专辑中到处都是动听且不失温馨的guitar pop旋律。基本上每首歌曲都有动听的旋律,可圈可点的地方。这张专辑将会选择Lay Down The Law和Snakes And Ladders将作为接下来的打榜单曲。这几首歌曲基本上含概了Switches的音乐风格,主唱确实十分喜欢Britpop,并且在不失乐队整体特点时最大化的把Britpop加入歌曲中去,如Snakes And Ladders,Killer Karma,Every Second Counts,The Need To Be Needed。
Playing tough, witty, and hook-laden rock that exists in a time warp in which glam rock and Britpop are the talk of the British Isles, Switches is the brainchild of lead singer and guitarist Matt Bishop. Bishop claims he was already writing songs on a tiny guitar made for him by his father (a BBC engineer) at the age of five, and began recording them on a Fisher-Price cassette machine, creating overdubs by playing back his creations on his mom's stereo and singing along with them. (Bishop adds that since he only knew two or three chords at the time, most of these songs tended to resemble T. Rex.) As he grew older, Bishop became an obsessive enthusiast of all things rock, and as a teenager he graduated to a four-track porta-studio which he used to continue his experiments in unlocking the secrets of record production. When he went away to college, Bishop began putting together a band with like-minded classmates, and with Ollie Thomas on lead guitar, Max Tite on bass, and Jimmy G on drums, Matt Rock & the Others was born.