姓名Jorane 别名暂无
国籍加拿大 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Jorane的音乐生涯始于家乡魁北克,因此以几张法语专辑进入歌坛,这样说似乎也不贴切,因为她的歌词几乎全是没有意义的音节。歌手以吉他或者钢琴来自弹自唱早已司空见惯,在舞台上一边弹着大提琴一边唱歌的似乎都是歌特摇滚团体。因此,来自加拿大魁北克的Jorane和她的音乐注定会给我们带来与众不同的听觉感受。在美国北部推出Vent Fou这张专辑后,Jorane以极富电影画面感的16mm再度入侵美国全境,颠覆了人们对流行音乐编曲的清规戒律:她摒弃了伴奏乐队,仅仅凭借一把大提琴和鼓、钹等打击乐器,伴随着纯净丰富却无意义的吟唱(据说主要是英语,呵呵),显示出Jorane驾驭音乐的超人天赋,在国际乐坛赢得巨大声誉。(乐评人再次搬出Tori Amos和Enya与她做比较,有趣!)
by Chris True
Having made a name for herself by being one of the very few -- if not only -- pop cellists who sings while she bows, Jorane (born Johanne Pelletier in 1975) released her first album, Vent Fou, in 1999 and would eventually play stages all over the world. She followed up her debut in 2001 with 16mm, which led to a live recording of her performance at the Montreal Spectrum as part of the Montreal International Jazz Festival. In 2004, Jorane embarked on the two-part release Evapore and The You and the Now mini-albums, which allowed her to work with such talents as Daniel Lanois (whose guest vocals adorned Evapore) and Lisa Germano. For the next few years, Jorane spent her time taking her unique sound to stages in numerous countries, as well as winning a few awards and award nominations along the way. In 2007, she released the album Vers à Soi and the Internet-based Canvas or Canvass. A Juno Award nomination followed in 2008.