姓名Mental Issues 别名暂无
国籍瑞典 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


The band started in february 2008, from the beginning there was only 4 members, Tomas, Jack, Max and Johan. Jack and Tomas were the only one that actually had played their instruments for a while when the band started and Max and Johan had to learn as the rehearsals took place. They had a rough start since Max bass just got Kept Breaking down all the time and Johan didnt have any drums home so he had to practice in music stores and their rehearsal room that they could go to once a week. Then in the summer of 2008 the band made a song with a keyboard (Their first hit single, Endless) and decided that it was best to add another member to the band instead of doing a playback synth. Rickard joined the band and Mental Issues was born. Their hitsingle has already been played on several radio stations. In 25 april 2010 Rickard left Mental Issues.
Glenn The Computer quickly took his place but left after only 3 days because he wanted to pursue his dream of becoming "Diablo Slayer 2.0" , may his soul rest in peace.
The band needed a new member, and quick, because of the Emergenza finals for sweden. So the band called their good friend Bo-Christer the iPod, and after talking with him for 5 seconds the band felt that this was the new member of Mental Issues.
"He is a god on the keyboard" the band says in an interview.

In The winter of 2010 Johan Left the band because he felt that he wanted to play in a heavier type of band and we wish him luck.

Max, Jack and Tomas kept working on finnishing up their first album "Through the eyes of Pandora" and finally got it done to release on may 17th 2011.

Late in 2011 Alexander Prytz joined the Band and is now the man who beats the hell out of the drums.

On march 1 2012 The guys in Mental Launched the first single from their new EP Hope Dies Last

In late 2012 Alexander Prytz Left the band and in the early summer of 2013 Mattias Nielsen Became the new drummer just in time for the Sorunda Festival were the band performed for the 3rd time.

The band will release their 2nd full length album Cycles in 2013 which is the 3rd studio project entirely made by Bands member with the cheapest gear available.