国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


出生:1956年12月7日 家乡:加利福尼亚 凡努易斯 职业:作曲家 类型:流行 乡村 摇滚 R&B20年时间,1000多首作品,9次Grammy提名,其中3次获奖,6次ASCAP年度最佳创作者,两次BMI年度最佳创作者,4次金球奖最佳原创音乐提名……无数的荣誉都证明:Diane Warren无疑是当代最优秀的创作者之一,她的作品传遍了世界的每个角落,以至有这种说法:每5分钟,这个世界的某个地方就有一个人在听她写的歌。 Diane Warren1956年出生于Clifornia的Van Nuys,几岁时小Diane就对电台播放的歌曲特别感兴趣,但与众不同的是,更吸引Diane的是那些歌曲的作者,她从小就把Carole King,Lieber,Stoller,Burt Bacharach这些优秀的创作者当成自己的偶像,并梦想有一天自己能成为像他们一样成功。小Diane经常尝试着创作,在父亲得知女儿对音乐如此痴迷后,在她10岁生日时,从墨西哥为Diane带了把12弦的Martin牌吉他,并把Diane送进了一个吉他班学习,但这段时间并非人们想像的那样顺利,因为小Diane常常沉浸在自己脑海产生的旋律中,以致于跟不上老师的进度,她的吉它老师还下定论说她连调子都听不准,在音乐方面不可能有什么发展。小Diane很受打击,为了不影响家里人,父亲在家院的后面搭了间小屋子,以供小Diane在那里练吉它以及创作歌曲。 几年后,在选择未来的职业时,Diane与家里人发生了分歧,母亲认为音乐创作这个行业的竞争太激烈,坚决不让她干这行,好在父亲理解女儿,在父亲的支持下,Diane开始尝试着走进音乐创作这个领域。这个时期的Diane虽然不断地试图敲开音乐工业的大门,但每次的结果都是遭到拒绝,有一次,一位老板竟以"你这一段有9句歌词,一般来说应该是8句"这样的理由回绝。无奈之下Diane决定先在唱片公司随便找个职业固定下来再说,然而事实证明她的想法错了,两个星期后,她就被公司解雇。事业的不顺让Diane有些灰心丧气,她没有想到自己从小梦寐以求的音乐界竞争这么残酷,在Diane看来,解决目前处境的办法只有加倍努力地搞创作。她让自己全身心地投入到了音乐中,以至有时走到路上,头脑中突然冒出了一段旋律,而碰巧又没带录音机,她会立即打个电话回家,用录音电话记下自己想到的旋律。这种情况一直持续到1983年。 这一年,在一位朋友的引荐下,Diane结识了Laura Branigan的制作人Jack White,也许是初试身手,Jack有点不放心,他只是叫Diane把Laura的一首法语歌的歌词翻译成英语,这就是后来Laura的Top 10单曲"Solitaire"。1985年,Diane为电影"The Last Dragon"写了首"Rhythm Of The Night",这首歌登上了Billboard的No.3,自此以后Diane开始为人们所识,87年,Diane又有了3首Top 10,分别是Belinda Carlisle的"I Get Weak",Starship的"Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now"(这首也是Diane的第一支No.1单曲)和Heart的"who Will You Run To?"。就在同一年,由于与Jack White一场官司,Diane毅然决定完全由自己掌握单曲的发行权,于是成立了"Realsongs Company","Realsongs"的歌曲来源全由Diane一人创作,而当时商业上的同事Doreen Dorion和Ken Philips则负责联系歌曲的演唱者。1988年,Diane为Chicago写的"I Don't Wanna Live Without Your Love"和"Look Away"再次称霸Billboard榜(后者也是Diane的第二首No.1单曲)。这一时期的Diane创作力相当旺盛,她常常是成天呆在录音室里,一有灵感就赶快记下来,而且一般是保持着一个月50首歌曲的创作量,有时一天就是3首。如果说这时的Diane在乐界仅仅是小有名气的话,那么接下来 1989年的巨大成功则让Diane Warren这个名字在乐界无人不知,仅这一年,就有十几首Diane创作的歌曲打进Top 10,这其中包括Cher的"If I Could Turn Back The Time",Aretha Franklin与Elton John合唱的"Through The Storm",Milli Vanilli的"Blame It On The Rain",Bad English的"When I See You Smile",Taylor Dayne的"Love Will Lead You Back"以及Michael Bolton的"How Can We Be Lovers"等等,Diane也在这一年创下了Billboard的一项记录:同时有七首同位作者的歌曲保持在Billboard Top 100以内。1990年,Diane当之无愧地获得了"Billboard Singles Publisher Of The Year/Year End"的No.1。从83年到现在的20年中,Diane共计拥有了近百首Top 100,包括60多首Top 10,其中的"How Do I Live"也是Billboard上榜时间最长的单曲 (69 周)。 由于Diane惊人的创作速度以及作品的不俗战绩,音乐界的同行们都称她为" "Industry Powerhouse"和"Hit Machine"。by Ed HoganSongwriter Diane Warren's songs have been covered by Aretha Franklin, Celine Dion ("Because You Loved Me"), Patti Labelle ("If You Asked Me To," also a hit for Celine Dion), Barbra Streisand, Gloria Estefan ("Reach"), Tina Turner, Whitney Houston ("You Were Loved"), Toni Braxton ("Un-Break My Heart"), Aerosmith ("I Don't Want to Miss a Thing" from the Bruce Willis movie Armageddon), Aaron Neville, the Faith Hill/Tim McGraw duet "Just to Hear You Say That You Love Me," Starship ("Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now" from the 1987 movie Mannequin), and Ricky Martin. Johnny Mathis recorded a whole album of Warren's songs entitled Because You Loved Me: Songs of Diane Warren, produced by Humberto Gatica and released by Sony Music on October 20, 1998. Mary J. Blige covered Warren's "Give Me You" on her Mary album (MCA, summer 1999). N'Sync and Gloria Estefan scored a fall 1999 hit with the title song from the Meryl Streep movie Music of the Heart. One of Warren's songs, "How Do I Live," from the Nicolas Cage movie Con Air, charted for a record-setting 69 weeks on Billboard's Hot 100 chart. A three-time Grammy winner, a five-time ASCAP Songwriter of the Year winner, and a two-time BMI Songwriter of the Year winner, Warren still shares a common songwriter trait: relative public anonymity. You know the singers that sing her songs, you can no doubt hum bars to many of her songs, but you've probably never heard of her. Definitely a "pop songwriter" in the sense of her use of fluent melodies, ballad tempos, and universal themes, Warren's music has been covered by just about every kind of singer -- the result of a treasured skill honed by her 20-year-old, 12 hour/six-day-a-week writing schedule that has led to a 800 song catalog. She gets songs ideas from conversations and her fertile imagination. Warren's songs have appeared in over 50 movies, including Ghostbusters, Space Jam, Prince of Egypt, Up Close and Personal, The Preacher's Wife, and White Men Can't Jump. Her music publishing firm, Realsongs, was named one of the top five music-publishing companies by Billboard magazine. She's also what was once known as a song-plugger: she tenaciously purses recording artists to cover her songs. Born Diane Eve Warren in 1956 in Van Nuys, CA, her father was an insurance salesman and writer/painter who nurtured her girlhood dreams of becoming a hit songwriter. He bought her a 12-string Martin guitar and a back yard metal shed that was Warren's private "rehearsal space." Her father escorted her to music publishers, where she'd be rejected time after time. To gain entry into the insular music business, Warren took a job with a music industry messenger service thinking that this would open important doors for her. The plan proved faulty when she was fired two weeks later. Her big break came when she was in her mid-twenties, after a friend helped her get a staff songwriting job with pop singer Laura Branigan's producer Jack White. Giving her a French melody written by Martine Clemenceau, he asked Warren to come up with English lyrics. The song became "Solitaire," a number seven pop hit in early 1983 that was included on the gold LP Branigan 2, which peaked at number 29 pop in the spring of 1983. Her 1999 projects included co-writing a song with Mariah Carey for the film Anna and the King.