姓名费舍尔 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Julia Fischer 1983年出生于德国慕尼黑,3岁开始学习小提琴,9岁就进入了慕尼黑音乐学院深造。Julia Fischer现已跻身于国际著名小提琴家的行列,她以出色的演技和对音乐的独特的理解以及出众的美貌征服了千千万万音乐爱好者和听众的的心。

German violinist Julia Fischer is recognized worldwide for possessing a talent of uncommon ability and as an exceptionally gifted artist, reflected in the numerous awards and effusive reviews she has received for both her live performances and recordings, including being named “Artist of the Year” at The Gramophone Awards in 2007 and “Instrumentalist of the Year” at the 2009 MIDEM Classical Awards.

Julia Fischer will open the 2013-14 season with a tour through Germany with Academy of St. Martin in the Fields. As Artist in Residence at the Dresdner Philharmonie she will perform the Brahms violin and triple concerti under the baton if chief conductor Michael Sanderling, tour Asia with the orchestra and appear in further chamber concerts throughout the season. In November and December 2013, Ms. Fischer will appear in recitals in major European venues including London’s Wigmore Hall, Musikverein Wien, Palais des Beaux Arts in Brussels and at the Berlin Philharmonie amongst others. The tour program will feature repertoire from her new CD which will be released on the Decca label at the same time: Pablo Sarasate’s works for violin and piano op. 20-24 and 26-29. In the United States, she will perform in subscription weeks with the Cleveland Orchestra and San Francisco Symphony with music directors Fanz Welser-M?st and Michael Tilson Thomas respectively. At New York’s Carnegie Hall, she will appear with the St. Petersburg Philharmonic under the baton of Yuri Temirkanov.