姓名Vanessa Amorosi 别名暂无
国籍欧美 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


2000年9月,在举世瞩目的澳大利亚悉尼奥运会上,被人们熟知的不只是演唱主题歌的澳大利亚本土女歌星Tina Arena,人们还记住了出现在熊熊火炬映照下的舞台上一个青春靓丽的身影。这位在悉尼奥运会开幕、闭幕典礼,以及残疾人奥运会上被三次邀请做表演嘉宾的歌手就是来自澳大利亚墨尔本的20岁新人Vanessa Amorosi。这位年轻歌手究竟有什么样的魅力会受到如此的青睐?就其本身素质而言,Vanessa的实力是不容忽视的。Vanessa Amorosi自从第一首单曲《Have a Look》(看一看)在1999年8月发行,迅速攀升至排行榜榜首,在连续称霸七周之后,开始引起了人们的特别关注。Vanessa Amorosi已经成为澳大利亚最成功的流行音乐家之一,她于1999年9月开始第一次巡演,12月份当她被邀请在悉尼新千年新年前夜的音乐会上表演后,赢得了数百万观众的喜爱,从此开始了她不平凡的艺术生涯。她的第二首单曲《Absolutely Everybody》(充满信心的人群)在两个月内成为了白金单曲,并打入澳大利亚最佳单曲排行榜超过30周,成为澳大利亚有史以来上榜时间最长的细碟。同时这也创造了另一个纪录,她成为澳大利亚原创作品入榜时间最长的女歌手。Vanessa Amorosi乘风破浪,又与环球公司(Universal)签定了一个世界级的唱片灌制合同。出道仅短短一年就成为澳大利亚最红女歌手,为奥运会做表演嘉宾当然是非她莫属。2000年5月,Vanessa Amorosi的处女大碟《The Power》(动力)发行不久,即成为专辑销售榜的榜首。月销售量七万张的成绩使《The Power》成为了她的首张白金专辑,7月时《The Power》成为了双白金专辑。Vanessa Amorosi最新的单曲《Shine》(闪耀)也成为白金单曲。在新千年悉尼奥运会的开幕式上,她第一次在全世界歌迷面前亮相,演唱了她的成名歌曲《Absolutely Everybody》,全球的听众都记住了这个可爱的小女孩。Vanessa Amorosi的音乐天赋与她的音乐世家出身不无关联。她出生于墨尔本,父母是夜总会的职业歌手。她4岁时就开始随叔叔学习爵士乐和芭蕾舞,12岁登台演出。她16岁时与独立音乐公司Transistor Music签约,这预示着她辉煌演艺生涯的开始。所以我们可以从专辑《The Power》看出,Vanessa Amorosi具有艺术家和歌手的综合素质,她可以把流行歌曲和歌舞有机地结合起来。Vanessa Amorosi必将在流行音乐的殿堂里占有自己的一席之地。Vanessa Amorosi的样子算不上很靓,但歌唱事业却做得很靓,虽然走流行歌曲路线,但她却坚持只"卖唱不卖样"。与其他年轻的偶像歌手不一样的是,Vanessa Amorosi从不在媒体面前尽情展现自己,相反却表现得极为谦虚,她说"我并不在意我的外表,也不介意别人怎么评价我,最要紧的是要做好我的音乐!"对于在悉尼奥运会上表演有何感想,她对此竟不以为然,还说:"3分钟表演的时间过得太快,观众席的气氛确实很热烈,但舞台离那里太远,我真的感觉不到,而且时间太短,所以没有太深的感受。不过有这样的一个机会表演确实是很荣幸。"当Vanessa Amorosi听说这次将来中国演出,舞台和观众离得很近,她很高兴。因为这次可以和中国观众进行近距离的交流了。Vanessa Amoros现在的音乐风格属于舞曲抒情路线,对于日后的打算,她想如果有机会将会转玩摇滚乐,另类一把!由于现今不断地演出使她不得不过早地结束学生生涯,但她打算三五年后会返回澳大利亚开家农场,或者进入大学攻读音响科技做幕后制作,完成她的学业。如此看来,虽然Vanessa Amorosi很年轻,但她的心并没有浮躁,对自己的前途早有把握。在这次"Heineken节拍夏季音乐节"中,我们可以欣赏到Vanessa Amorosi这位来自澳洲的舞曲流行乐小天后热情四溢的风采,在不久的将来,我们相信Vanessa Amorosi还会以澳洲另类摇滚女艺人的全新面貌出现在世界流行乐坛。 With just one album, Vanessa Amorosi has become Australia's third most successful female after Kylie Minogue and Tina Arena.Amorosi was born in Melbourne to parents who were both professional singer/dancers working in the Australasian theatre restaurant cabaret circuit. She was surrounded by music and singing and it had a profound impact on her life. At the age of four, Amarosi and her younger sisters were taking tap, jazz, and classical ballet classes at a dance school run by their uncle. The big turning point came when, at 14 years of age, Vanessa Amorosi took a part-time job singing in a Russian restaurant. Her other performances had been part of regular dance class type activities in which all the all kids engaged in those activities partake in. The Russian restaurant job was different. Amarosi was in the spotlight on her own and it was there the powerfully voiced teenager was spotted by TV producer Jack Strom. Strom had recently formed a management company with '70s recording star Mark Holden.Vanessa Amorosi took some convincing to throw her lot in with Strom and Holden. She'd already had numerous people promise to make her a star and seen nothing happen. But eventually they did convince her, signed her to a management contract, and set about working towards her first record. After rejections from all the major record companies, a deal was found with BMG distributed independent Transistor Records. Amorosi was their first Australian signing. In May, 1999, she flew to London to record several tracks, including her debut single with producer Steve Mac, known for his work with pop acts Boyzone and Five and, subsequently, Westlife. The first single "Have a Look" took Amorosi into Australia's national Top 20. The second single, the dance-pop "Absolutely Everybody" reached number three and spent 27 weeks in the Top 40, one of the longest runs of all time for an Australian single. The album The Power was the first time an Australian female reached number one on the national album chart with her first album. In all, her album generated four major hits and interest in her recordings throughout Europe,In September, 2000, Vanessa Amorosi was the only artist to feature in both the opening and the closing ceremonies of the Sydney Olympics.