Giusy Ferreri相似歌手

姓名Giusy Ferreri 别名暂无
国籍意大利 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


意大利08年星光大道「X-Factor」亚军歌手连续七周稳居专辑亚军首张大碟 ◎请到美籍正夯全能才女Linda Perry协助操盘,直奔亚军席次,蝉联七周之久,写下五白金的惊人销售认证◎〈Novembre〉双霸销售和点播第一名位置、直取NO.1后冠的一鸣惊人出道作〈Non ti scordar mai di me〉,创下有史以来下载榜销售最佳纪录、第三波攻势〈Stai fermo ly〉,占据排行Top15之林◎包括与天王Tiziano Ferro合作专辑开场曲〈L`amore e basta〉 在英国接连将夏恩华德、里欧娜推上卖座一线歌手的「X-Factor」,也于欧洲各国家陆续开设节目。2008年感染到意大利展开第一季选拔,虽然区居第二名的Giusy Ferreri,却以白人之姿,散发拥有如黑人灵骚嗓音,赢得欧洲媒体极佳好评,纷纷拿来与Nina Simone、Amy Winehouse相互比拟。成绩好过冠军团体组之Aram Quartet,缔造意大利的销售奇迹,一位个性十足、声韵独特的歌姬就此诞生,准备站上国际舞台,让你体会这位小妮子最不同凡响的坚强实力。 首张个人专辑《Gaetana》,Giusy参与制作/谱写工作,更请到美籍正夯全能才女Linda Perry(红粉佳人、克利丝汀、关史蒂芬妮)协助操盘,直奔意大利榜亚军席次,蝉联七周之久,快速写下五白金的惊人销售认证。赢得墨西哥葛莱美音乐奖「最佳男歌手」+MTV拉丁音乐奖「最佳艺人」入围的Tiziano Ferro,在电子辅佐的抒情曲目〈L`amore e basta〉之中助唱,两人以念唱的方式交替演绎,性感又别出心裁;双霸意大利销售和点播第一名位置的〈Novembre〉 ,摇摆出Soulful迷人情调,同时灌入合成器大量伴随,足以令舞棍疯狂的优选;直取NO.1后冠的一鸣惊人出道作〈Non ti scordar mai di me〉,创下有史以来下载榜销售最佳纪录;第三波攻势〈Stai fermo ly〉,占据排行Top15之林里头,飘散一股迷离色泽;空心吉他和钢琴相互和鸣的〈Il sapore di un altro no〉,勾勒出没有太多点缀音的简单轨迹;最后加赠2005年即问市的珍贵绝版单曲〈Il Party〉,一场欢乐的派对就此展开 by Jason BirchmeierGiusy Ferreri is a pop singer from Italy who rose to fame with a second-place showing on the reality show X Factor. Born on April 17, 1979, in Palermo, Italy, she originally made her recording debut as Gaetana in 2005 with the largely unsuccessful single "Il Party." A few years later she auditioned for the first season of X Factor, a televised talent show that had originated in the United Kingdom, where it propelled Leona Lewis to fame in 2006. Not only was Ferreri selected to appear on the show, she proceeded to compete strongly throughout the 12-week season, ultimately finishing runner-up behind the winner, Aram Quartet. In the wake of her strong finish on the show, she signed a recording contract with Sony BMG and released the six-song EP Non Ti Scordar Mai di Me. Both the title track (written by Italian pop star Tiziano Ferro) and the EP itself were chart-topping smash hits.