姓名Hadise 别名暂无
国籍比利时 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


◎揉合J. Lo的时尚态度、Shakira的异国野性,土耳其裔美少女歌手Hadise璀璨诞生◎比利时选秀节目超人气超新星,展现色艺双全第三张注目大碟◎收录YouTube点阅超越六百万人次,比利时金榜话题冠军单曲〈Dum Tek Tek〉在本名为Hadise的「荷黛丝Hadise」,以色艺双全的超新星之姿,迅速在荷兰版的Pop Idol偶像选秀节目中,汇集满满人气。「Hadise」这个字的本身,有着「说故事」的涵义,彷佛注定Hadise就是要以她姣好的外貌、和浑然天成的歌喉、加上律动感近乎完美的身段,在演艺之路发光发热、说着一段又一段传奇动人的故事。这位移居比利时、土耳其裔的美少女歌手,精通多国语言的她,在2004年发行出道单曲〈Sweat〉,立即受到比利时及土耳其两地乐迷的爱戴,让Hadise从此趟上五光十色的音乐之路。来年Hadise发行首张专辑《Sweat》缔造出〈Stir Me Up〉、〈Milk Chocolate Girl〉、〈Bad Boy〉……等多首畅销单曲。锋芒毕露的Hadise,也成为土耳其版Pop Star选秀节目、以及欧洲Eurovision歌唱大赛的力邀佳宾。2008年,Hadise脱胎换骨、展露成熟性感小女人丰采,发行第二张《同名专辑Hadise》。此外,Hadise揉合J. Lo的时尚态度,以及Shakira的异国野性,更让她的璀璨倩影在音乐领域之外,获得延伸至大屏幕的机会。2009年,Hadise不仅代表土耳其、参加欧洲2009年Eurovision歌唱大赛,更发行个人第三张注目大碟《奔驰人生Fast Life》。新专辑当中汇集了Hadise最傲人音乐成绩!开场曲〈Dum Tek Tek〉,立即燃烧沸点,这首欧洲2009年Eurovision歌唱大赛参赛代表歌曲,充满性感的曲式,率先强势拿下比利时金榜冠军,更在YouTube上累积点阅超越六百万人次;〈Fast Life〉到来,立即转换成科技感十足的电子场域,音符跟着激光束一同奔驰;〈Supernatural Love〉用酷傲的神情接续冷冽的节拍,让爱恋增添一抹神秘色彩;舞池必杀配方〈Long Distance Relationships〉,绝对是时尚音乐的必备款,心和双脚不约而同地立即被征服;空心吉他堆栈出异国情调,真切盼望相聚时刻,〈Hero〉说着一段心底秘密情事;警告的话语言犹在耳,〈Married Man〉却充满着致命吸引力,让人越危险越想靠近;音阶变得奇异怪趣,Hadise用歌声在〈Obsession〉优游自在来回移动;媚惑力道火力全开,〈Double Life〉吹吐着咒语般的激情,直到你着了魔为止;旅程终要划下休止符,〈I'll Try Not To Cry〉流露出真情。专辑当中还特地收录〈Dum Tek Tek〉的热舞版本Club Mix,让你臣服在Hadise不同的节奏魅力里。 Hadise, born in Belgium on the 21st of October,1985. A girl with Turkish roots born and raised in a little town called Mol. Her grandfather named her Hadise. Meaning "a story". At the age of 17 Hadise took herself to another level and wanted to chase her dreams. She entered the contest 'Idols'. She didn't get to the finals but still got a record deal. The album Sweat was born. Hadise is not only a performer but also a writer. She wrote 7 songs on her album 'Sweat'. Including hits like Sweat, Milk Chocolate girl and Stir me up. Stir me up received a worldwide interest from the fans. It became the hottest song in the clubs of Turkey and on the Turkish scene during the summer of 2006. In 2008, she released her self-titled second album 'Hadise'. A Good kiss, My Body and Deli Oglan were released. This Time, she co-wrote the songs on her second album. Including a very personal song to her mother. Hadise comes from a very small, warm family. Her parents divorced when she was 11 years old. She has 1 older sister, a Younger sister and 1 younger Brother. Hadise aims high. There are no limits in what she wants to achieve in life. She embraces life and every gift that comes with it. She never forgets to give back. She believes that her past is who she is now. Her roots are locked in her heart, mind and soul. The Turkish people voted for Hadise to represent Turkey at The Eurovision Song festival 2009 that will be held in Moscow. Hadise was honored and flattered by the offer and immediately agreed to enter the competition. The song that she will perform in Moscow is called 'Düm Tek Tek'. This song is produced by Sinan AkçIl and written by himself, Hadise and Stefaan Fernande. On New Year’s Eve everybody watched her perform ‘Düm Tek Tek’ for the first time. It was broadcasted on TRT. Hadise broke a record with her performance on TRT. She became the first artist that had so many viewers on Youtube in Turkey. That week, her performance was watched more than 3 million times. Throughout her career Hadise has won 2 TMF Awards 'Best Urban 2006' + 'Best Urban 2007' (Belgium), 1 AltIn Kelebek Award for 'Best new Artist 2007' (Turkey). Her love for music will never end because it keeps her going. Life is never dull for her because there is music. She won't be living her dreams if she didn't have you... Her dearest fans! Hadise thanks you all for all the support from the beginning of her career.