姓名Fallulah 别名暂无
国籍丹麦 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Fallulah(法鲁拉),本名Maria Apetri(玛丽亚?阿佩瞿),专注于民谣波普、独立摇滚乐的丹麦-罗马尼亚混血歌手。她的母亲是丹麦白人,父亲是罗马尼亚人。1985年出生于丹麦哥本哈根,但是在阿玛格尔岛(Amager)长大。

2009年发行了首张音乐专辑《The Black Cat Neigbourhood》。第一首单曲“I Lay My Head…”被丹麦广播三台(DR P3)称为“无法避免的”热门点播歌曲之一。可见她有望成为丹麦歌坛一颗耀眼的新星。

Fallulah is the stage name of the young pop music song writer and singer Maria Apetri, born 1985 in Copenhagen, Denmark. She is known for her debut single I Lay My Head which was the prequel to the album The Black Cat Neighbourhood. The upcoming album is being produced by Fridolin Nords?. Fallulah's music can be accounted to the Pop music genre but according to her own statements is a mix of Indie rock and Balkan beats, which adds a hint of folklore to her productions.
Fallulah has been compared to Florence & The Machine, Adele, Marina and the Diamonds and Bat For Lashes. She performed at the Start! festival and has been featured as "Soundvenue Selected" by the Danish music magazine of the same name. She was national radio station DR P3's "unavoidable" at week 38 in 2009 with her single I Lay My Head. On the 30 October 2009, she released the theme song for the Danish film Simon and Malou entitled "No Time for Love" written by Bryan Adams and Gretchen Peters under the name Maria Apetri.
Her single Bridges was the most played track, from a home artist, on DR P3 in 2010, and on 15 January 2011, Fallulah won the prestigious "P3 Guld" award. Early in 2011, Fallulah got another major hit with the song Out Of It, which was played as the intro for the so-called depression comedy "Lykke" on national Danish television. For several weeks the song was the number one download on Danish iTunes. It was number one on the Danish hit list and on the radio list.