姓名Natalie Cole 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


奈特是美国50年代著名黑人爵士音乐家其女纳塔莉1950年生于洛杉矶,自幼受父亲影响而迷上流行音乐。她在读大学时便成为活跃于当地夜总会的业余歌手,以后又与唱片公司签约,正式步人歌坛。在70年代中后期,纳塔莉年年有热门专辑推出,屡获金唱片及白金唱片奖,单曲唱片也不时在排行榜上争奇斗艳。 1975年她被授予格兰美最佳新人奖,次年又以单曲《理所当然(Thiswill Lie)》获两项格兰美奖,从而奠定了她超级歌星的地位, 1991年,纳塔莉在艺术上另辟溪径,尝试重新演绎父亲早年的一些经典之作,包括《难以忘怀》、《蒙娜丽莎》、《每当想起你》,并汇集成一个名为《难以忘怀(Unforgettable)》的专辑。该专辑在配器、演唱、录音诸方面均绐人以耳目一新的感觉,但又不失歌曲原有的韵味。特别值得一提的是标题歌曲通过混声处理所刻意营造的父女二重唱效果,更具有催人泪下的艺术魅力,《难以忘怀》使纳塔莉·柯尔的歌唱生涯又攀上了一个新的高峰,她藉此一举摘得第34届格兰美最佳歌曲、最佳唱片等 7项大奖。The daughter of jazz and pop legend Nat King Cole, Natalie Cole has forged a successful career in two phases, doing R&B/urban contemporary and then jazz-based pop. She made her stage debut at age 11 and sang in college. Cole met the writing and producing team of Chuck Jackson and Marvin Yancey in 1973. The next year they collaborated on some sessions that were recorded at Curtis Mayfield's Curtom studios in Chicago. These helped her land a deal with Capitol, and she teamed with Jackson/Yancey for a string of hit albums and singles from 1975 until 1983. Such LPs as Inseparable, Natalie, Thankful, Unpredictable, and I Love You So yielded five number one R&B hits between 1975 and 1977. These included "This Will Be, "Inseparable," "Our Love," and "I've Got Love on My Mind." She stayed with Capitol until 1983, then switched to Epic for her final album with the Jackson/Yancey tandem. Cole made duets with Peabo Bryson in 1979 and 1980 and Ray Parker, Jr., in 1987. She scored more hits with "Jump Start," "I Live for Your Love," and "Over You" in 1987, and "Pink Cadillac," a cover of a Bruce Springsteen tune, in 1988, and then made her stylistic shift. Cole eased into the transition with "When I Fall in Love," a number her father recorded in 1957. It was included on her 1987 LP Everlasting. She fully embraced the move with the 1991 LP Unforgettable: With Love, earning Grammy Awards and landing a number one pop album that eventually sold over five million copies. The title track featured her doing a duet with her father via electronic elaboration. She continued the jazzy trend with Take a Look in 1993, and she toured and did television specials working with a large orchestra conducted by Nelson Riddle. Holly & Ivy (1994) and Stardust (1996) both continued Cole's exploration of American pop standards. Snowfall on the Sahara was released in 1999, as was The Magic of Christmas, recorded with the London Symphony Orchestra. Ask a Woman Who Knows (2002) and Leavin' (2006) followed for Verve.