姓名Hilary Hahn 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


刚刚二十四岁,获得过葛莱美大奖的希拉里·哈恩(Hilary Hahn)小姐就已是位名符其实的传奇小提琴家了.她的身影不时与世界顶级乐团同时出现在欧亚及北美地区.的确,过去十年来她一直就活跃在音乐舞台上,早在五年前她就是索尼古典录音室里的常客.如今,她又加盟到了德国古典皇牌DG(Deut sche Grammophone)门下.在美国,她被"时代周刊"评选为美国最年青的古典艺术音乐家.当她还是个十七岁的孩子时,就成为了赫赫有名的留声机(Grammophone)杂志封面人物.显而易见,在国际音乐舞台上她被看成是当今最为引人注目、多才多艺的表演艺术家也就不足为奇了.…Hilary Hahn1980年出生于弗吉尼亚。三岁搬到巴尔帝摩开始学习小提琴。十岁进入费城克提斯音乐学校(Philadelphia's Curtis Institute of Music),师从于Mr.Klara Berkovich.此人是伟大的小提琴家伊萨伊最后还健在的弟子。一年半后举行了与巴尔帝摩交响乐团的收场演出。1993年开始先后与费城乐团,克里夫南乐团,纽约爱乐等乐团合作。年竟15岁的她与Lorin Maazel合作演奏贝多芬小提琴协奏曲在德国首演,大获成功,从此名扬欧洲。1996年与Sony签约,与费城乐团在纽约卡内基音乐厅首演。16岁她就完成了所有学业,其后几年继续选修语言,文学及室内乐。19岁获得音乐学士学位。2001年《时代》杂志称她为“美国最优秀的青年古典音乐家”。by Margaret RegesOne of the most critically acclaimed young violinists to emerge in the late '90s, Hilary Hahn gained an enthusiastic international audience and won several Grammys before she reached the age of 18. As is the case with many violin virtuosos, Hahn was anything if not precocious. She began studying the violin a Baltimore Suzuki class just before she turned four and started working with a private tutor, Klara Berkovich, about a year later. Hahn would work with her for the next five years at Peabody Prep, after which she auditioned for a spot at the Curtis Institute of Music. She was accepted, and violinist Jascha Brodsky (who was 83 years old at that point) took her on as a student. Hahn worked with Brodsky until he passed away in 1997, after which she worked with Jaime Laredo. Splitting her time between home schooling and the Curtis Institute, Hahn completed her high-school diploma and bachelor's degree requirements by the time she was 16; she opted to remain at the school until 1999, taking literature classes and honing her performance skills. Hahn gave her first full recital at Peabody in 1990, and she made her major orchestral debut a little over a year later, performing with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra. She made her European debut four years later at age 15, appearing on a radio broadcast with the Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra. Sony Classical came forward with a record deal one year later, and her first album, Hilary Hahn Plays Violin, came out in 1997. Hahn debuted at Carnegie Hall soon after, and the album sailed to the top of the Billboard classical charts. Her second recording, Beethoven Violin Concerto/Bernstein Serenade, hit stores in 1999, and Hahn performed her first commissioned work, the Edgar Meyer Violin Concerto, in September of that year. A recording of that piece was released the next year (Barber & Meyer Violin Concertos), followed by 2001's Brahms & Stravinsky Violin Concertos, which went on to earn a Grammy for Best Instrumental Soloist Performance. Hahn released one more album with Sony, 2002's Mendelssohn & Shostakovich Concertos, before signing a deal with Deutsche Grammophon in 2003. Hahn was essentially considered a world-class violinist by the time she signed with her new German label in 2003. She found herself in high demand over the course of the next few years, making numerous appearances, releasing several more albums, contributing to a motion picture soundtrack (2004's The Village), and collaborating with the indie rock group ...And You Will Know Us by the Trail of Dead.