姓名Priscilla 别名暂无
国籍法国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


1989年8月2日出生于法国,她有两个姐妹Sandra和Severine.11岁的她在一次电视选秀节目中被制作人Patrick Debord发现,接着就幸运地签约了Jive唱片公司,该公司旗下还有Britney等大牌红星!不久就发行第一张个人单曲"Quand Je Serai Jeune"Priscilla was born on August 2, 1989 in La Trinité, Alpes-Maritimes, France, and has two sisters, Sandra and Severine. She was 11 years old when the show "Les drôles de petits champions" aired, and was discovered by the producer Patrick Debord (MGM). She signed with Jive records, the same record label as her idol, Britney Spears and later that year recorded her first single "Quand Je Serai Jeune". After having followed a traditional schooling up until end of 8th grade, she decided not to enter secondary school, preferring to take correspondence courses so that she could better concentrate on her artistic career.