姓名Yvonne Catterfeld 别名暂无
国籍德国 出生地德国埃尔福特
语言德语 性别
生日1979-12-02 星座射手座
身高168cm 体重


德国美女加才女型歌手Yvonne Catterfeld, 曲风一改德国音乐克谨严肃的风格,被德国各大媒体推选为目前对德国最具影响力的年轻偶像。24岁的她已经如日中天。2003年德国最佳单曲FUER DICH(为了你)在德国四月,五月份的点播栏里始终排在首位。
历史上德国流行乐不要说在世界和欧洲,就是在德国也少有人问津。可能这与德国人朴实甚至刻板的性格有关。一提起德国的音乐,人们就会想起贝多芬,巴赫这些古典巨匠。似乎"德国"与"流行乐"这两个名词是不能放在一起的,德语的先天缺陷使他们在表现柔情主题时,都显得"底气过足"…… 而Yvonne Catterfeld的出现,则一扫德文流行的颓势。她巧妙的通过自己的德文的英文化发音技巧,越过了德语歌的一大障碍。德语歌原来也可以柔情似水..
Yvonne Catterfeld was born in Erfurt, Thuringia, in 1979. At 15 years of age she started studying piano and flute. At the same time she began pursuing vocal and dance lessons, which would lead to her post-secondary education in pop and jazz at the Music Academy of Leipzig. Her seven-song debut release, entitled KIV, hit the market in 1998 and was met with a chilly industry response, almost completely ignored by the local scene. A few years later, after her studies were complete, Catterfeld competed in the singing contest Stimme 2000, under the name Vivianne. Thanks to her participation, she met with manager and soon-to-be BMG exec Thomas Stein, who secured her a contract with the Hansa Music label. Her 2001 single "Burn" yet again fell short of expectations, but subsequent singles "Niemand Sonst" and "Gefuhle" garnered some notice. In 2002, she secured a role on the German soap opera Gute Zeiten, Schlechte Zeiten, which she would play for the next three years. Thanks to her television visibility, Yvonne's next single, "Fur Dich," hit number one on the German, Austrian, and Swiss charts. The full-length release that followed, Meine Welt, would have similar success, achieving platinum status. Only a year later, Farben Meiner Welt was released. Her television career continued to sputter along with the early termination of Sophie -- Braut Wider Willen. In 2006 Catterfeld released her fourth solo record, Aura, to mixed reviews and slow sales.