姓名The Sea And Cake 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


虽然The Sea and Cake被归类为Post-Rock一派,但是他们并没有一般后摇乐队善于营造的吉他大爆炸桥段,歌曲也短小精湛,长度经常不超过五分钟,而且音乐旋律甜美如蜜糖,然而真正使得The Sea and Cake在Post-Rock领域占有一席之地的原因是他们打破传统摇滚乐的界线,以娴熟的手法将流行、摇滚、爵士、白人灵魂乐(blue-eyed soul)与Krautrock等乐风巧妙融冶于一炉,创造出属于The Sea and Cake独特的混种音乐语汇,辨识度极高,他们首张同名专辑便完全呈现了这种创新实验的精神,让我们在当时以Grunge独尊的美国乐坛呼吸到如草原般的新鲜空气,Sam Prekop沙哑中带点惆怅的白人灵魂嗓音、Archer Prewitt具流行意味的吉他弹拨与刷弦、Eric Claridge再现新秩序(New Order)乐团Peter Hook神采的厚重肥美且律动十足的贝斯声线以及John McEntire即兴的爵士鼓击,带来十首曲式结构捉摸不定却又极度挑逗人心的精彩歌曲

The Sea and Cake is a post-rock supergroup of sorts comprised of luminaries from the Chicago independent scene. The band is led by singer/guitarist Sam Prekop, who, along with bassist Eric Claridge, was an alumnus of the frequently brilliant Shrimp Boat. After that groups dissolution, Prekop and Claridge were offered the opportunity to embark on a new project and hastily recruited ex-Coctails guitarist Archer Prewitt and Tortoise drummer John McEntire before entering the studio. Originally intended as a one-off project, the musicians decided to continue performing together, and after selecting the name the Sea and Cake — derived from McEntires misinterpretation of the Gastr del Sol song The C in Cake — they issued their eponymous 1994 debut, an enigmatic collection highlighting Prekops stream-of-consciousness wordplay and singular fusion of pop, jazz, blue-eyed soul, and Krautrock styles. In 1995, the group returned with two more LPs, the intricate Nassau and the shimmering The Biz. After the release of The Fawn in 1997, the band took a break while both Prewitt and Prekop released solo albums. Finally, in 2000, the Sea and Cake released their fifth album, Oui. The band delivered their most elegant pop yet when One Bedroom appeared in 2003. Everybody followed four years later.