姓名Sarah Chang 别名暂无
国籍韩国 出生地
语言 性别
生日1980-12-10 星座射手座
身高 体重


Sarah Chang(生于1980年12月10日) ,韩裔美籍小提琴演奏家,生于美国宾夕法尼亚州费城的韩裔家庭。

从小以音乐神童之姿崛起、扬名国际乐坛,且音乐诠释屡见精进,一直有超龄演出。三岁时由母亲启蒙学习钢琴,接著在父亲指导下学小提琴,五岁便上台演奏,六岁师从林昭亮的老师、朱丽亚音乐学院名师多萝西·迪蕾(Dorothy Delay)学习,八岁受到祖宾·梅塔、慕堤两位指挥大师青睐,有机会和纽约爱乐、费城管弦乐团合作演出。 1991年,EMI 唱片公司为一位年仅九岁的少年小提琴家推出了她的首张专辑,在当时引来不小的轰动,人们普遍为小提琴界又出现了一位年少有为的人物发出惊叹,小提琴大师梅纽因更对她的演奏做出如此评价:“我想她是我听过的最美妙、完美、理想的小提琴家”,虽然这段感想可能也充满了同样从神童之路走来的大师对后辈的关爱与提携,但不可否认她的出色演奏才是打动大师并发出由衷赞美的决定因素。时光飞逝,在距离首张专辑发行十多年后的今天,这位当年的神童正一步步向着一位成熟的音乐家迈进,这些年她更是当之无愧的“琴坛骄女”,无论演出合约还是唱片的发行,都始终走在同行的前列,她便是美籍韩裔小提琴家张永宙(Sarah Chang)。 1981年出生于美国宾州费城一个韩国人家庭的张永宙(Sarah Chang),四岁开始学习小提琴起,就不得不称为一个奇迹。学习还不到三年,便得到与指挥家梅塔及纽约爱乐乐团合作在林肯中心著名的“艾弗里·费雪大厅”演出的机会,更意想不到的曲目竟然是帕格尼尼的《D大调第一小提琴协奏曲》!那次合作由于时间匆忙,几乎没有经过什么排练,就正式演出了,但小萨拉倒是毫不畏惧,她近乎完美的发挥让梅塔这位见多识广大师也啧啧称奇,自那之后也不断给她很多机会与帮助。正是由于那次成功的演出,也是她引起了美国小提琴界的“教母”、朱丽亚音乐学院著名教授多萝西·迪蕾(Dorothy Delay)的注意,将其收为学生。众所周知,从迪蕾的班中曾走出了帕尔曼、祖克曼、沙哈姆等数不胜数的小提琴家,都大有作为,迪蕾的班级在很长一段时间内也就好比是培养小提琴人才的源头,使很多小提琴学习者仰慕。年幼的 Sarah Chang 能得到迪蕾的教导,自然又向成功迈出一步。迪蕾对这位才气横溢的学生关怀备至, Sarah Chang 所有的专业课几乎都由她亲自指点(迪蕾班上的学生多达数十位,有很多其实她只在那里挂名,多半的课都是由她的众多助教指导的)。与此同时,迪蕾还尽可能多地为她寻找演出机会,使她在还不满十岁时就与费城、芝加哥、匹兹堡等知名乐团合作,指挥也均是穆蒂、列文、扬松斯这样的大牌。可以说,Sarah Chang 今日的成功与这位名师曾经给予的殷殷关切是密不可分的。 自1991年起,她成为EMI 唱片公司的专属艺术家,走上了职业演奏家的道路,当然在此后数年中也仍然接受着恩师的教导。这些年来,她的足迹遍及世界各地的音乐场所,1997年在卡内基音乐厅的首演更为她带来了不同凡响的声誉,之后她又先后到肯尼迪中心、柏林爱乐大厅亮相。她平均每年在EMI 公司推出一张新作,成为该公司中录音制品最畅销的音乐家之一。由于她在首张录音《Debut》中的出色表现,1993年《留声机》杂志授于她“年度最佳青年艺术家奖”,六年后,她又得到了“艾弗里·费雪”大奖。与很多同行相比,Sarah Chang 的艺术之路颇为顺畅,自幼成名、名师指点、多位艺术前辈对她厚爱有加,并没有参加任何比赛便已获得成功,似乎幸运之神始终对她特别眷顾。Sarah Chang 的录音曲目主要包括很多重要的协奏曲和一些富有趣味性的小品与少数室内乐作品。其对于作品精准的理解、淋漓尽致地表达往往都能给人留下深刻、美好的印象。

An American violinist of Korean heritage, Sarah Chang was already a celebrity as a prepubescent soloist; unlike many child prodigies, she made the transition to adulthood painlessly, and remains a high-profile soloist on the international circuit.

She began performing in public at age 5; within two years, she had won the Starling scholarship to the Juilliard School, where she studied with Dorothy DeLay and Hyo Kang. At age 8, after only two years of study at Juilliard during which she still regarded playing the violin as a hobby, she auditioned for conductors Zubin Mehta and Riccardo Muti and bowled them over. She made her professional debut in 1988 performing Paganini's Violin Concerto No. 1 with Mehta and the New York Philharmonic. Soon she found herself playing Paganini, Tchaikovsky, and Sibelius concertos with the world's greatest orchestras, with an EMI recording contract tucked into her frock. Initial features and reviews focused on the incongruity of such technical virtuosity coming from a cute little girl, and coverage during her teen years was similarly half awed, half patronizing.

As she approached her twenties, Chang began to enjoy more serious critical appraisal. One critic summarized her attributes as "consummate technical ease, a gorgeous, vibrant, flawlessly beautiful tone, and a heartfelt but unsentimental expressiveness." Conversely, some of her performances of Romantic repertory were sometimes criticized for being slightly emotionally disengaged.

Chang quickly became associated with concertos of not only Paganini but also Mendelssohn, Tchaikovsky, and Sibelius. She also advocated not-quite-standard concertos by Goldmark, Strauss, and Dvorák. But not until she was nearly 20 did Chang begin exploring chamber music with any frequency, initially playing in small festivals but also recording with other high-profile soloists on the EMI roster.

Less apparent from her discography is her interest in contemporary music. She has worked on new pieces with jazzman Eddie Karam, as well as Jack Elliott and Korean-American composer Donald Sur.

One area in which Chang has been slow to develop self-confidence is teaching. Feeling she was too young to be a credible authority, she didn't give her first master class until she was 22, and that was hidden away in Singapore. After that, she embarked on a small-scale series of recitals and educational events for rural and underserved populations in the United States.

Chang plays a 1717 Guarneri del Gesù; reluctant to expose it to hot lights, she uses a cheap but attractive stand-in violin for publicity photos.