姓名Printer Clips 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


I've always loved an auld duet.
Girl's voice, boy's voice, simple accompaniment.
Emmy-Lou & Gram, Dolly & Kenny, PJ & Thom...
More than just harmony, a duet has it's own thing going on in the intertwining of voices, or in trading lines or verses.

So I've been working on a project called Printer Clips over the past couple of years, taking a simple recording set-up to hallways, kitchens and good-rooms in Montreal, New York, Dublin & London.

I'm very lucky to have sung with, and am very grateful to Joan As Police Woman, Martha Wainwright, Lisa Hannigan, Gemma Hayes, Julia Stone, Amy Millan, Cathy Davey, Danielle Harrison & Maria Doyle Kennedy.