姓名Median 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别
生日 星座
身高 体重


Median was raised in Wilmington, NC. Born in Queens NYC the same year as the birth of hip-hop (1979), the music, culture, and overall atmosphere has always had presence and influence in his life. In high school, among other things, Median was known for his witty freestyles and beatboxing. After entering North Carolina State University in 1997, Median met with like-minded emcees and producers. They formed the crew The Justus League in 1999. They gained a local following as well as national and international attention via internet. In 2005 Median released the critically acclaimed EP titled "The Path to Relief." In 2007 he released his debut album "Median's Relief" on Halftooth Records.