姓名The Capsules 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


来自堪萨斯州的sadcore/shoegaz夫妻组合(Julie and Jason Shields)The Capsules在专辑《Someone for Everyone》中为我们营造了一种颇具宏伟也极具伤感的音乐情感,或许这是他们家乡思绪的一种折射,也或许是他们历经了10多年的默默无闻后的积淀薄发,不管怎样,The Capsules那种积忍耐力下而创作出的美丽悲伤似乎可以与Low相媲美。专辑音乐以一种近于苍白和妖艳之中的拍速行进,而交着于节拍之中的则是宽广的旋律与女主音听似漫不经心却足够沉稳的声线。The Capsules have a tendency for sleepless nights, writing pensive, late night reveries. When they emerge from these states, they bring with them a soundtrack to the half forgotten memories that pass through the space between reality and whimsy. The songs on Northern Lights & Southern Skies unfold in the place where the heart is open to the mysteries of the universe and help us gain a bit of insight into the experiences of love, loss, and longing that makes us human. Julie Shields has a comforting voice that sounds like your best friend whispering in your ear, while the melodic bass of Jason Shields and Kevin Trevino’s understated drumming keep things deceptively simple.