姓名门生 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


当离开各自的乐队后,结他手胡振邦,鼓手陆栢涛及低音结他手郑伟杰于2006年1月成立了 "门生" 。初时他们急需寻找多一位结他手,于是透过朋友的介绍,他们认识了陈博文。为了让"门生"成为完整的乐队,胡振邦邀请了他的好友郑子劲加盟 "门生" 成为乐队主音。

透过沉重有力的乐段与感性柔和的旋律,"门生" 创造了属于他们的独特声音。歌词的字里行间表达了他们对生活及社会问题的态度,表明自身的立场之余,更旨在为观众带来希望。

Mensheng was formed in 2006 by Joe Wu (guitar), Pakto Luk (drums) and Danny Cheng (bass) after the break-up of their previous band. In search of an additional guitarist, they met Billy Chan through seeking help from their friends. To complete the line up, Joe approached his long time friend Benny Cheng to join the band as the vocal.

Mensheng blends heavy riffs with emotional melodies to create their unique sound. With lyrics that focus mainly on life and social issues, they try to be honest yet giving hope to their audience.