全新唯美推荐曲BELLISSIMO 、 Happy And Weak 、They Died for Beauty
Joanna Swan 主音
Nick Pullin 吉他/作曲
Dan Brown 贝司
一行三人的Ilya来自英伦triphop重镇Bristol布里斯托尔,Ilya的音乐充满电影感,正如大碟名字一样同样凄美动人。唱腔有点爵士味的女主唱Joanna Swan,音色尖锐的吉他手兼作曲者Nick Pullin,和贝司手兼录音棚高手Dan Brown,炮制出了一种融合了电子、爵士、摇滚和电影音乐于一体的浪漫风格。 阴郁的电子氛围、华丽的弦乐背景和主唱空灵的唱腔,在"Bellissimo"里的沉厚磁性声音,跟音乐部分一样有着慑人的感染力,而在一曲 "Heavenly"里却表现得妖娆与神秘。这种将入耳的唯美歌声、歌特式地下气质与戏剧性的电影配乐结合在一起的音乐,无疑会成为喜新厌旧的耳朵们又一追捧对象。 Ilya传承Bristol(Triphop音乐的故乡)的历史,同时又坚持着创新,吸引更多人再来经历那缓拍升华的音乐旅行。搬来庞大的器乐手阵容,搬演班鸠与香颂、巴西与007、爵士与新古典等类型交错,造就了[They Died For Beauty]异常戏剧化的性格。 Trip Hop发展至今,企图拓宽风格的尝试不少,惯常以凄美为招牌的女声反而成为最没有表现力的部份,落得似只会流泪的女角对影自怜,却无法与周遭对话。而Ilya的Joanna Swan以其感性声线带着爵士前辈的风范,演绎出可比Zero 7之Sia的风情,光是一曲"Bliss",连Bebel Gilberto等新Bossa Nova代表的歌迷都能一并接收。
可以为美而逝,只为美丽永恒,形容 Ilya更是传神。诸如"Soleil Soleil"与"Happy And Weak"这般拼贴着南美墨西哥风,却又迭上合唱的情调;或者"Heavenly"那般并置着歌剧男声片段及彷如Morphine团中那些线条粗犷有力的铜管乐,无一不为装扮得更艳丽更奇巧而努力。甚至,那低吟的"Bellisimo"已是香水广告曲。
by Heather Phares
The lush electronic cabaret-pop of Ilya (known as San Ilya in the U.S.) is the brainchild of songwriter Nick Pullin, singer Joanna Swan, and bassist Dan Brown. Pullin and Swan -- who both hail from Bristol, England -- began writing and singing songs together, and also performed as a jazz standards duo in their local pubs. Brown saw the pair at one of these gigs, and soon joined the band, adding not just a low end to their sound but a recording space as well. As a trio, they continued to perform at parties and weddings, augmenting standards with their own creative touches borrowed from rock, world, and electronic music. They also recorded in Brown's studio, blending their influences into their own unique sound. By late 2003, Ilya's debut album, They Died for Beauty, was released in Europe. The band made a sizable impact in the States before the release of their album there thanks to the use of their single "Bellisimo" in TV commercials for Revlon's Colorstay makeup. They Died for Beauty arrived on American shores in summer 2004.