姓名Arcana 别名暂无
国籍 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Arcana拓展了黑潮浪漫和飘渺的疆域,却不是多愁善感。音乐巧妙地在悲伤与乐观之间摇摆。他们呈现的是Peter Petterson构思的中世纪气氛的环境音乐,带来了令人感叹的庄重甚至是神圣的感觉。

Arcana ploughs the romantic/ethereal fringe of darkwave whilst never sliding into sentimentality. The music cleverly oscillates between sadness and optimism. They purvey medieval atmospheric ambience mentored by Peter Petterson and results in a compelling gravitas and even a sense of the sacred.