姓名Brainstorm 别名暂无
国籍拉脱维亚 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重



Renārs Kaupers
Jānis Jubalts
Gundars Mau?evics
Kaspars Roga
Māris Mihelsons

来自拉脱维亚的Brian Storm组建于1989年,是拉脱维亚顶级乐队,于2000年走红国际摇滚乐坛。曾担任Rolling Stones乐队的演出嘉宾,以及REM巡演嘉宾。

German heavy metal band Brainstorm was formed in 1989 by guitarists Torsten Ihlenfeld and Milan Loncaric and drummer Dieter Bernert, and quickly set about recording their first demo, "Hand of Doom." Bassist Andreas Mailnder was next to join and, after a string of unreliable frontmen, singer Marcus Jürgens rounded out their ranks, as demo after demo slowly brought the band closer to achieving their goals. 1997 finally saw the release of Brainstorm's debut album Hungry, which was supported by tours with Morgana Lefay and Skyclad before making way for the following year's' sophomore effort Unholy -- produced by Charlie Bauerfeind (Blind Guardian, Gamma Ray, Angra, etc.). Jürgens quit the band soon after and one Henne Basse was brought in to fulfill touring commitments until a permanent replacement could be found in vocalist Andy B. Franck. A new deal with Metal Blade was then struck and Brainstorm undertook a hectic recording schedule that resulted in 2000's Ambiguity, 2001's Metus Mortis and 2003's Soul Temptation. Meanwhile, constant festival appearances and tours across Europe with the likes of Armored Saint and King Diamond helped Brainstorm become one of Germany's most popular and respected power metal outfits -- no mean feat.