姓名Alter Bridge 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Alter Bridge虽为一个新摇滚乐团,但团员面孔却全不陌生。前Creed吉他手及创作主力的Mark Tremonti与鼓手Scott Phillips在乐团休息期间,发现彼此对音乐有著相当的共识,因此伙同原始团员贝斯手Brian Marshall,以及前Mayfield Four的主唱Myles Kennedy,共同完成了这个全新组合的拼图。

首发单曲「Open Your Eyes」已经在各电台以及音乐网站上强力播送,并且获得欧美乐评一致的推崇。虽然是首张专辑却有著纯熟的大将之风,不单以grunge特有的旋律为主轴,并不时加上了重摇滚以及重金属的成分,增加了整张专辑的可听性。他们更试著以老式摇滚乐为根基,并强调出旋律性的重要,而「旋律」正是贯穿这张作品的关键字。Alter Bridge所架构起的,将是乐迷通往新一代摇滚乐的桥梁。

Alter Bridge resurrected the music-making portion of Creed. After that band's 2004 dissolution, guitarist Mark Tremonti and drummer Scott Phillips tapped ousted bassist Brian Marshall for the new project. Ex-Mayfield Four frontman Myles Kennedy was soon on board as well, and Alter Bridge made their Wind-Up debut in August 2004 with One Day Remains. Written largely by Tremonti, the record tried to lean more toward a hard rock/metal sound than the post-grunge grandstanding of his previous group. After touring the world to support the album, the band decided to leave Wind-Up and sign with the Universal imprint Republic. In late 2007 the label released Blackbird, an album that featured more songwriting contributions from Kennedy.