姓名Math and Physics Club 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地西雅图
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Math and Physics Club 是来自美国西雅图的独立乐队,清新派的.提到清新派大家当然会说到瑞典。当然美国的清新派与瑞典有着本质的不同,但是也有些与瑞典大相径庭的作品。从Math and Physics Club身上看到了瑞典人那种独立音乐的特点与一些十分相似的东西。都有着简单,自然,阳光,温馨的感觉。2004年的夏天,主唱Charles与吉他手James发起Math and Physics Club ,然后又加入了鼓手Kevin,在2004年的夏末乐队中唯一的女队员Saundrah和贝斯手Ethan加入乐队,其中女队员Saundrah负责小提琴。所以专辑中时常出现很美妙动人的小提琴的旋律。到这时乐队的人员算是齐了,用他们的话说,“我们开始了我们不可思议工作”。他们开始表演一些自己的DEMO作品,他们的作品被很多独立长牌看上,并且都向他们下了合约,但Math and Physics Club最终选择了在Santa Barbara的一家小长牌 Matinée Recordings 。Matinée Recordings是一家专门发行Indie Pop的长牌,虽然小,但是旗下的艺人却都是独立的大牌 如, The Lucksmiths ,Pipas。2000年时还发行了瑞典清新大牌Edson的一张CD EP。当然,现在Matinée Recordings 旗下的艺人也是相当多了。说到瑞典的Edson,可能算是影响吧,Math and Physics Club专辑中的音乐,有很多都会有些Edson的感觉,那种瑞典音乐的气质,如 La La La Lisa ,Look At Us Now 等等,说到这也就是我前面提到的,他们与瑞典的音乐大相径庭。如果不说他们的国籍,只听音乐很容易会让人们以为是瑞典的乐队。乐队在2005年的2月份发行了第一张4首歌曲的Weekends Away EP。随后9月份又发行一张Movie Ending Romance EP,2006年11月发行了自己的首张专辑《Math and Physics Club》。专辑中,时常听到“ba ba ba ba ... , La La La ..”这些哼唱式的词调,这点同样有着瑞典人的风格。清晰,简单的木吉他,在加上旋律优美的小提琴。很美妙的一张清新专辑。值得静静的听听。

The Math and Physics Club are a twee pop group that formed in Seattle in 2004, when guitarist James Werle and vocalist Charles Bert, who'd been collaborating on various recordings up until that point, started working with drummer Kevin Emerson, violinist Saundrah Humphrey, and bassist Ethan Jones. Sounding something like a cross between the Smiths, the Field Mice, and Belle and Sebastian (in other words, extremely twee), the Math and Physics Club were snapped up by Matinee by the end of the year. Their debut EP on that label, Weekends Away, came out in February 2005; the disc enjoyed quite a bit of critical buzz, and was in regular rotation on Seattle's KEXP that year. Proving that they were anything if not prolific, the Math and Physics Club had another EP, Movie Ending Romance, out on Matinee by the time summer rolled around. Their self-titled debut full-length, produced by Kevin Suggs, came out a little over a year later, and they followed it up with a modest east coast tour. Having taken a quick breather at the beginning of the year, the Math and Physics Club returned with another Matinee EP, Baby I'm Yours, in the summer of 2007.