姓名Saint Agnes 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


"...with Old Bone Rattle, the pair’s raw chemistry proves as potent as ever present as they dish out a grinding splurge of defiant rock’n’roll graffiti." Q MAGAZINE

"Now we know that music bloggers can be accused of overexcitibility (is that even a word?) and of seemingly having favourite new bands every other week, but honestly this EP isn’t just promising…. its genuinely full-on f*cking AMAZING."-The VPME

"This is Tarantino/Lynch style, warped, twisted psychedelic, Western inspired music that at moment rocks hard, heavy and Southern, and then the next drifts off into the desert, dazed by the scorching sun, dehydration, hallucinations and talking snakes territory..." - LOUDER THAN WAR

"Their Western inspired dirty rock and roll features striking guitar work, impressive organ tunes and distinctive vocals that blend together like a delicious cocktail. Tarantino should definitely take notice. Jon (Lost Souls Club) and Kitty (Lola Colt) bring back the kind of sound that some musicians forget how to master. It’s raw, bold, sexy and vast"' - MUSIC GETS ME BY