姓名Deerhunter 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Bradford Cox台上摆动的孱弱身躯,混合庞克狂躁和情境电气的实验迷离旋律,来自乔治亚州的五人乐队Deerhunter,从与The Fall、Sonic Youth、My Bloody Valentine、Jesus and Mary Chain、Spacemen 3等经典声音的连结,加上深受马凡氏症(Marfan Syndrome)所苦的灵魂人物Bradford Cox,用药物和病痛堆砌起柔软迷离又刺激的音乐性格,让Deerhunter成为当今独立乐坛令人最无法抗拒的组合之一。 2005年转投芝加哥实验摇滚名厂Kranky,以一周时间录制完成的第二张专辑《Cryptograms》,一举让Pitchfork、The Village Voice等刁钻传媒心服口服,纷纷献上超高评价,更进一步确立了Deerhunter新一代迷幻噪音班霸的地位。年初才化名Atlas Sound以个人专辑《Let the Blind Lead Those Who Can See but Cannot Feel》,让乐迷深陷他极尽私密的迷离梦境,相隔半年Bradford Cox又带领着Deerhunter推出万众瞩目的第三张专辑《Microcastle》,开场一连两首《Agoraphobia》和《Never Stops》意外令人联想到Belle & Sebastian的爽朗节拍,《Calvary Scars》、《Green Jacket》弥漫精灵气息的摇篮曲,《Nothing Ever Happened》和《Saved by Old Times》则展现了让流行摇滚曲式瞬间升级的独特迷幻魔力,这回Deerhunter悄悄躲进藏匿在他们苦涩世界中心的小花园,将《Cryptograms》里巨大深沉的实验声响,化为背景里渗透出记忆的温度,用12段扣人心弦的流畅旋律,对“流行”进行一次属于Deerhunter重新诠释。除此之外,本次同步由4AD发行之双碟特别盘更超值网罗今年8月Bradford Cox自行上传提供下载而引发轩然大波的《Microcastle》姊妹作《Weird Era Cont.》完整13首曲目。Deerhunter is an experimental noise rock band from Atlanta, fronted by the compellingly odd singer Bradford Cox. Cox's vocal style blends vocal experimentation along the lines of Meredith Monk or Yoko Ono with a more direct and punky howl inspired by the Fall's Mark E. Smith. Cox is also a striking on-stage presence: the exceedingly skinny 6'4" lead singer has Marfan syndrome, a genetic disorder of the connective tissue that gives him abnormally long and spindly limbs. (The late Joey Ramone was another well-known frontman with Marfan syndrome.) Cox often exaggerates his otherworldly look by performing in Victorian-style party frocks and engaging in Iggy Pop-style acts of ritual self-abasement while his bandmates churn out an aggressive mix of industrial-grind guitars and fractured dance rhythms that often recalls earlier Georgia art punks like the Method Actors and Pylon. Deerhunter was formed in 2001 by Cox and drummer and keyboardist Moses Archuleta; guitarists Colin Mee and Lockett Pundt and bassist Josh Fauver completed the lineup over the following years. Deerhunter signed with the local Atlanta indie Stickfigure Records for their 2005 debut: nominally untitled, the album is also known as "Turn It Up, Faggot" (a phrase that doesn't appear on the sleeve), an insult that Cox claimed was often thrown at the band during their gigs. Deerhunter then signed to the higher-profile indie Kranky (Godspeed You Black Emperor!, etc.) for their second album, Cryptograms, as well as the EP Fluorescent Grey.