姓名Favored Nations 别名暂无
国籍美国 出生地
语言英语 性别组合
生日 星座
身高 体重


Favored Nations is an eclectic, trans-Pacific three-piece band bridging land and sea, creating entrancing music from studio bases in both Los Angeles and Australia. The catalyst for the band was born through a chance meeting on a night out in Los Angeles between James Curd and singer Morgan Phalen, previously of New York indie rock group Diamond Nights, and contributing voice to Justice’s psychy second LP 'Audio Video Disco'. James could tell straight away that Morgan was a visionary genius, and an instant bond was formed.

Back at his adopted home in Australia, Curd recruited his friend and talented multi-instrumentalist Surahn Sidhu to help lay down a bed of music to complement Morgan’s vocals. They worked feverishly over the summer in a coastal pad by the Great Ocean Road and created unique, distinctive songs that seemed to write themselves. The trio joined creative forces to result in a musical and personal chemistry that has quickly evolved into a serious band, despite obvious geographical borders.